He comes around the counter to stand in front of me, tipping my chin up so he can kiss me. “Don’t you know by now that I want to keep you forever?”
I’m overwhelmed and deeply moved. “That’s a really long time.”
He kisses me again. “I sure as hell hope so.”
I’ve put this off as long as I can. Houston called me last night to tell me Ryder has been indicted and taken into custody. I call my dad the minute the twins go down for their morning nap.
“Hey, sweetie. I’m about to tee off on the fourteenth. What’s going on?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Is everything all right with you and the kids?”
“Yes, but I have news I need to share with you, and it might be upsetting.”
“What news?”
“Ryder Elliott has been indicted on rape charges.”
“In your case?”
“How is that possible?”
“A witness has come forward.”
“A witness.” His tone is hard as concrete. “There was a fucking witness?”
“Where has that person been all this time?”
“I’m not sure, but she heard he was running for Congress, and apparently that’s what made her come forward.”
“How could she have remained silent when she saw what you went through after he was charged the first time?”
“I don’t know. I guess she was afraid of the wolves turning on her.”
“That’s no excuse. She saw you attacked andleft you there? What kind of monster does something like that?”
“A teenage kid who feared her whole life blowing up?”
“You can’t possibly be defending her.”
“I’m not, but she saw what they did to me. Can you blame her for not wanting them to go after her, too?”
“Yes, I can blame her! We could’ve put that son of a bitch away if she’d done the right thing.”
“She’s doing it now.”
“You must be beside yourself, sweetheart.”
“I was, at first, but I’m better now. Kane has been amazing, as always.”