Page 4 of Renewal After Dark

Upstairs, McKenzie retrieved Jax from the portable crib Tiffany had set up for him in the guest room and then broke down the crib to take it with her. Tiffany had told her to use it for as long as she needed. The Taylors wouldn’t be traveling for a while with a third baby due soon. Thankfully, Tiffany was feeling better after a week of intense nausea and heartburn that’d made her miserable.

McKenzie swallowed the huge lump of fear that landed in her throat as she collected the last of their meager belongings into the grocery bags Duke had used to deliver them. Thinking of him picking through the remains of the cottage to find their things made her heart do that wobbly thing again. It’d been a long time since anyone had been as kind to her as Duke, Tiffany and Blaine had been.

Jax let out a whine and reached for his bear, which had also been rescued by Duke.

“Oh, we can’t forget Mr. Bear.”

Jax gurgled with delight.

That sound filled her with unreasonable joy, which drowned out the fear. As long as she had him and he had her, they could get through whatever was ahead for them. Or so she hoped. The task of rebuilding her grandmother’s cabin was daunting. How did one even undertake such a thing on a remote island?

She’d managed to avoid having to deal with that over the last week while she helped Tiffany with the kids. Once she was at Duke’s, she’d have no choice but to finally confront the wreckage of the cabin where many happy memories had been made with her grandmother.

“One step at a time, MK. One step at a time.”


“Everything okay?” Tiffany asked when she appeared in the doorway.

“Oh wow, you caught me talking to myself.”

Tiffany offered a small smile. “I do it all the time.”

McKenzie noticed that Tiffany’s face was red and puffy from crying. “Are you okay?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this.”

“I’m sure it’s so confusing.”

“It really is.” Tiffany took one of the lighter bags to carry it for McKenzie. “You’re still planning to stick around, right?”

“Absolutely! I’m looking forward to getting started at the shop if you still need me.”

“I do need you. I’m in denial that my faithful Patty is leaving me right before this little one arrives.” Tiffany patted her pregnant belly. “I just need a minute to catch my breath after this news about Jim, and then we’ll get you started.”

“Take whatever time you need. I’ll check in tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.”

“Duke is here, so we’ll be getting out of your hair. You have my number if there’s anything I can do to help you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that and everything you did to help me this week. You ended up saving me.”

“No way. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for taking us in during the storm and letting us stay this week.” McKenzie gave Tiffany a one-armed hug that put Jax between them. “Thank you again for your kindness, Tiffany.”

“Thank you for yours. I’m so glad we got to meet you and Jax. We love making new friends. I’m going to text my lawyer friend Dan Torrington about your situation with Jax’s father and see what he has to say about it. He and his wife had to go to Maine for something with her family, but he’ll know what you should do.”

“I’d appreciate it. Part of me wants to leave well enough alone, but the other part of me wants Jax to have everything he needs.”

“It’s the right thing to get a lawyer involved. You won’t be sorry. Sometimes all it takes is the threat of legal action to get someone to do the right thing.” Tiffany led the way downstairs. “Hey, Duke.”

“Hi, Tiffany. Not sure if I should say I was sorry to hear about Jim…”

“I was, too. I hope they find him.”

“If there’s anything I can do…”

“You’re sweet. Thank you.”