“So far, it’s going great from my perspective. My baby mama is the sexiest baby mama on the planet.”
“We need to get your eyes examined.”
He gave her a playful pat on the rear. “My vision is perfect, and I like what I see.”
“Well, thank goodness for that, because anyone else would’ve sold me back to the aquarium by now. Whales are a big draw, you know.”
“Stop that.”
She turned to him, brow raised, unaccustomed to such a sharp tone from him.
“I don’t like to hear you saying stuff like that about yourself. If you could see you the way I do, you wouldn’t be thinking about aquariums.”
She came to him and flattened her hands on his bare chest. “Thanks for the ego boost.”
“I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“You didn’t. You snapped me out of my prego pity party.”
“Please don’t be down on yourself. You’re growing a baby human in there. When I tell you you’re a goddess, I’m not just saying that.”
“I know and thank you for the kind words. I’m used to looking a certain way. Pregnancy has been a bit jarring.”
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re even more beautiful pregnant, and I wouldn’t have thought it was possible for you to be more beautiful than you already were.”
“You’re very good for the baby mama’s self-esteem.”
“Any time you need a reminder, let me know.” He kissed her and went to get ready for another long day of searching for the missing men and other hurricane cleanup. “Will you be okay by yourself today?”
“I’m going to Eastward Look to hang out with Nikki since the Wayfarer is still closed.” Her identical twin sister was the general manager of the beachfront venue the McCarthys had restored and reopened last year. They’d continued to have power issues that kept them closed after the rest of the island had reopened.
“Be careful on the roads. Still lots of downed trees and other junk.”
“I’m always careful.”
“How about I give you a ride there when you’re ready?”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“What if it would make me feel less anxious all day?”
She tipped her head, calling him out on the manipulative phrasing. “I can’t have you wound up in knots all day, so I’ll allow you to get away with being pushy just this once.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Smiling, he came over to kiss her before he left. “Text me when you’re ready.”
“Love you, even when you’re overbearing and manipulative.”
“Love you all the time, every second of every minute of every day.”
“Nice recovery, Chief.”
“See you soon.”
“I’ll be here.”