“Don’t sweat it. I just want to hear that you put the fear of God into him.”
“I sure did.”
“Good. I hope he’s crapping his pants worrying about your next move.”
Laughing, McKenzie said, “I think we’re going to be very good friends.”
“I’d love that.”
Sittingat her brother’s kitchen table, with a mug of coffee and the company of her sister-in-law and baby niece, Kendall exhaled a breath she’d been holding so long, it felt like she’d forgotten how to breathe normally.
The last few years had been a total nightmare as she’d lost her once-loving and devoted husband to pain medication addiction and alcoholism that he’d refused to deal with long enough that their marriage had been unsalvageable. Their divorce was now final. Their home had been sold, their possessions put into storage, and a whole new chapter had begun for her and her boys.
“Can I get you anything?” Lizzie asked as she fed Violet applesauce that the baby lapped up with enthusiasm.
“No, thank you. It’s so nice to be here, away from everything.”
“We’re thrilled to have you and the boys.”
“Said no new mom ever about having three unexpected houseguests.”
“You’re family, Kendall, and wearethrilled to have you here. Jared has been so worried about you guys. He slept much better last night knowing you were here. In fact, he hasn’t slept this late in months.”
“It’s still early.”
“He’s usually been up for an hour by now.”
“I’ll figure out something for me and the boys and get out of your hair.”
The boys had wanted to be near their beloved uncle and baby Violet, so the three of them had stayed at their house rather than in the garage apartment.
Lizzie reached over to put her hand on Kendall’s. “Please don’t worry about that or figuring out anything. Just relax and take a breath.”
“I’m not sure I remember how to relax or breathe.”
“Gansett is a great place to relearn an old habit.”
“That’s what my brothers tell me. All three of them are gone over the place.”
“It’s been good for each of them in its own way.” Lizzie wiped Violet’s face and put some dry cereal on her tray to entertain her. “I know we haven’t gotten to spend a ton of time together since I married Jared, but I hope you know you’ve got a friend in me. If you want to talk or vent or rant or just sit and be silent together, I’m your girl.”
“That’s very sweet of you to say.”
“I mean it. I can’t possibly know what you and your kids have been through, but I’m here if you want to talk or if I can do anything at all for any of you.”
“My brother is a lucky man.”
“We’re both lucky, and we know it.”
“Thanks to him, I don’t have to worry about the usual things that a newly single mother has to think about.”
Years earlier, Jared had shared his fortune with his parents and each of his four siblings.
“I’m sure that’s only one piece of a very complicated puzzle.”
Kendall nodded. “I’m worried about the boys.”
“You’d know much better than me, of course, but they seem to be happy, well-adjusted kids. Jared is crazy about them.”