Page 15 of Renewal After Dark

“She’s happy to help for as long as Kelsey is laid up. We all are.”

“Thank you. It’s very comforting to be surrounded by family at a time like this.”

“I want to get some money to Kelsey and Jeff,” Big Mac said. “I’m sure there’ll be expenses and other needs with both of them out of work for the time being. Can you help me make that happen?”

“Sure, Dad. That’s very nice of you.”

“It’s the least I can do after my building collapsed on those poor kids.”

“They don’t blame you for that.”

“Maybe they should. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they sued me for damages.”

“They won’t do that.”

“But they could, and they’d have a case, so let’s give them enough that they don’t want for anything while they’re getting back on their feet.”

“I have their bank info for payroll and could get it to them. How much do you want it to be?”

“Maybe a hundred each?”

Mac turned to his father, eyes gone wide. “Grand?”

“Yes. I talked to your mom, and she agrees we need to do everything we can to make this right.”

“That’s incredibly generous of you both, but surely you had an act of God clause in the lease.”

Big Mac’s gaze shifted ever so slightly toward Mac. “What lease?”

“You gotta be kidding me.”

His father shrugged. “That’s not how I do business. Those kids got hurt in my building, and I want to do something for them. If I write you a check, will you take care of getting it to them?”

Mac wasn’t as surprised as he should be that there was no lease with Kelsey. His dad operated on faith and gut checks that’d served him well over forty years in business. He was as old-school as it got, and generous as hell.

Mac wouldn’t change a thing about him. “Yeah, Dad. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re a kind and generous man.”

“Least I can do for those kids.”

Mac patted his dad on the back. “It’ll mean so much to them.”

“Tell them there’s more where that came from if they need it.”

“I will not do that. That’s more than enough, and I’m sure they’ll tell you it’s far too much.”

“I’m just so damned thankful they weren’t killed.”

“We all are.” Mac handed his dad one of the two pairs of work gloves he’d brought. “How about we see what we can do about finding some of Kelsey’s things?”

“Let’s do it.”


Duke insisted on carrying the baby and most of the groceries upstairs to her new apartment. As McKenzie followed with two of the bags, she was filled with a warm feeling of homecoming, which was odd since she’d never stepped foot in this place until an hour ago.