The strong, rich scent of coffee dragged McKenzie out of a sound sleep. She opened her eyes to find Duke, fully dressed and seated on the edge of the mattress, holding a mug of steaming coffee.
“I went over to your place to get that froufrou stuff you put in it.”
“Do you mean my French vanilla creamer?”
He pulled a face. “Yeah, that. Also grabbed a couple of diapers and some clothes for the little mister, who’s sleeping in.”
McKenzie tucked the covers under her arms and sat up to take the coffee from him. “He does that when he’s growing.” She took a sip of the coffee and sighed with pleasure. “That’s really good coffee.”
“One of my specialties.”
“This is the first time anyone has ever brought me coffee in bed.”
His face lit up with an adorable smile. “Is that right?”
“Well, stick around, and it could become part of your daily routine.”
“That’s quite an incentive package when added to all the other things that led to me sleeping in your bed last night.”
“I’m really sorry our evening got interrupted.”
“I’m sorry I conked out while you were gone. That’s how I am. When it’s time to sleep, there’s no keeping me awake.”
“Good to know.”
“Is Sierra okay?”
“She will be. Billy was a friend of hers.”
“And yours.”
“Yeah, but she was closer to him. Hit her hard.”
“Does she regularly pop by unannounced?”
“That was the first time ever.”
“Interesting timing. Does she have the place bugged or something?”
“Not to my knowledge. I want you to know… She’s my very good friend, but that’s all she’s ever been or ever will be.”
“She’s drop-dead gorgeous.”
“So are you.”
“Not like her.”
“No, you’re drop-dead gorgeous like you, and I like you and your gorgeousness. I like being with you and kissing you and laughing with you, and I will never, for the rest of my life, forget the vision of you on your knees with my?—”
Smiling, she held up a hand to stop him. “No need to finish that sentence.”
“Why not? It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced, and I’m very eager to return the favor, which is what I would’ve done next if we hadn’t been interrupted.”
“Very eager, huh?”
“You havenoidea.”