Page 9 of Renewal After Dark

“And now you own your own art-based business. I’d say you showed them.”

“I doubt they’d be impressed.”

“I think anyone who finds a way to support themselves through their own business and talents is hella impressive. That’s the dream come true, in my opinion.”

“It’s pretty cool.”

“Sure is.”

She added a box of diapers, pouches of baby food, some powdered formula and other items for the baby—things he’d never noticed on the shelves before now.

“Babies need a lot of stuff.”

“Somuch stuff.”

He was further surprised by how much it all cost. A hundred and twenty bucks, and she’d barely gotten any food. Should he offer her some money? Before he could decide about that, she’d whipped out a card and was collecting her receipt.

On the ride home, she gazed out the window at the sun setting over the beach. “I’d forgotten how beautiful it is here.”

“Did you get out here much as a kid?”

“Not as much as I wanted to. My mom sort of resented how much time I spent with my grandmother, and the minute Gran left for the summer, Mom thought I should spend all my time with her. Except that wasn’t what I wanted.”

“What did you want?”

“To come to Gansett with Gran for the summer, but my mother wouldn’t have it.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I never have been able to explain her to people. Gran used to say she’s a narcissist. Everything was about her, all the time.”

“Your mom is Cecelia?”

“Yeah. I guess she probably told you about her.”

“She mentioned that she was difficult.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

He wanted to ask her to elaborate, but it seemed like a sore subject, so he left it alone. But even though he’d decided he was way too old for her, and she was way out of his league, he wanted to hear more of her stories.

Much, much more.


Tiffany didn’t know what to do with herself since hearing the news that Jim might be missing. Thank goodness her mom and Ned had come to take the girls to their house for a few hours so she could get herself together.

Her emotions were all over the place, from sadness to fear to anguish for Ashleigh to relief, which made her sick with guilt. How could she berelievedat the possibility of Jim being gone forever?

She couldn’t let her mind go there, or she’d be unable to live with herself.

Blaine’s strong arms came around her from behind, and she melted into his embrace. “I can tell you’re spinning.”

“I don’t know what I am.”

“It’s okay to be upset, Tiff. Anyone would be.”

“It doesn’t feel right to be upset about him. I don’t have any right to be.”