“Billy from the gym?”
“Yes, that’s him.”
“He gives me candy when Daddy takes me to the gym.”
“The Coast Guard and the fire department have been looking for them since the storm ended, and today, we heard that they’ve found your daddy.”
“Can he come home now?”
Tiffany shook her head as tears spilled down her cheeks. “He’s gone to heaven, honey.”
Ashleigh’s little chin began to tremble. “Like Kyle and Jackson’s mommy?”
“But their mommy won’t ever come back. I don’t want my daddy to go to heaven.”
“I know, baby. I don’t either.”
“Daddy wouldn’t leave me,” she said, sobbing. “He’d never leave me.”
Tears ran down Tiffany’s face. “No, he wouldn’t, but sometimes things happen that we can’t help.”
“Like a hurry-cane?”
“Yes, baby, just like that. The storm was so powerful.”
“It made the house shake.”
“That’s right.”
Ashleigh looked up at Blaine, who also had tears in his eyes. “I want Daddy to come home.”
“I’d do anything to make that happen for you, sugar,” Blaine said. “Anything in this world.”
Tiffany wiped the tears off Ashleigh’s face. “We wanted that more than anything.”
“Even though you were mad at Daddy?”
Tiffany was momentarily speechless by Ashleigh’s insight. Of course she’d known that. How could she not? “Your daddy and I had our differences, but I’d never want anything bad to happen to him. I know how much you love him, and no matter what, you’ll always love him, and he’ll always love you. He used to say you’re the best thing in his whole life, just like you are in mine.”
“Addie is, too.”
“Yes, both of you.”
“We’re so sorry to have had to tell you this news, honey,” Blaine said. “If you want to talk about anything any time, you can come to your mom or me. We’re right here for you.”
“I know. Thank you. I think I’d like to play with my toys now.”
“Okay.” Tiffany helped her get down.
They stayed for a few minutes, keeping watch over her.
Tiffany wished she could know what Ashleigh was thinking or whether she’d truly understood what they’d told her. Only time would tell on both of those things.
She tipped her head to tell Blaine that she felt like it was okay to leave the room. She knew Ashleigh would come find them when she was ready to talk. For now, she decided to let her daughter lead the way through this nightmare.
In the hallway, she turned to him and held on tight to his love and support.