Page 59 of Renewal After Dark

“He feels responsible for what happened.”

“It wasn’t his fault. Ethel is the one to blame.”

“That’s what Mac tried to tell him, but he wasn’t hearing it.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that he wants to take care of everything for them.”

“Me either. He’s the best. Check in with me a little later?”

“I will. Thanks for everything. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”


“Was that Maddie?” Blaine asked when he came into the kitchen, holding Addie, who was asleep on his shoulder.

“Yes, she was checking on me. She said Big Mac is having dinner for everyone at the marina tonight.”

“That sounds fun, but only if you’re up for it.”

“I told her I’d decide later.”

He used his thumb to brush away a tear from her face. “Your tears break my heart, sweetheart.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry. Let me go put this angel down for a nap. I’ll be right back.”


She got glasses of ice water for them and was seated at the table when he returned to the kitchen.

His phone rang with a call from Linc Mercer. He did more listening than talking and then thanked him for the update.

“What did he say?” Tiffany asked.

“They found a body. They think it’s Jim, but they can’t be certain until the coroner performs an autopsy.”

“Oh my God.”

Blaine reached for her, brought her onto his lap and held her while she sobbed.

“I was so hoping…”

“I know, honey. I was, too.”

“We have to tell Ash.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to tell her this.”

“I don’t either.”

“Should we wait until they know for sure?”

“They know for sure, or they wouldn’t have called me. The coroner and the autopsy are formalities.”