Page 57 of Renewal After Dark

“We have to plan something for that, and it must be a roast.”

“Of course it will be. Who deserves that more than he does?”

“Absolutely no one.”

“What are you hearing from Tiffany?”

“Nothing new.”

Linda’s deep sigh said it all.

While the girlsplayed a game with Blaine, Tiffany had cleaned everything she could reach without having to get on the step stool, which would’ve sent her husband over the edge since pregnancy had her balance out of whack.

Even as Blaine played with the girls, he kept one eye on her, making sure she wasn’t overdoing anything.

The activity didn’t help.

Nothing helped to ease her mind as she contemplated having to share heartbreaking news with Ashleigh.

How did one say such a thing to a precious six-year-old who loved her daddy with all her heart? Ashleigh had no clue what a jerk he could be, and if Tiffany had her way, she’d never know that stuff. What difference would it make now? No, she’d allow her baby girl to keep every illusion she had about the man who’d fathered her, even if Blaine would be the one to raise her.

He would show her everything she needed to know about men and how they treated their loved ones and what to look for in a potential partner.

She was grateful for her wonderful husband all the time, but knowing he’d be there for her and Ashleigh if the worst came to pass was a source of tremendous comfort to Tiffany as they waited to hear what’d become of Jim and his friend Billy.

Every time the phone rang, she jumped out of her skin, wondering if this would be the call to confirm what they already knew. She saw it was Maddie and exhaled. “Hey.”

“I’d ask how you’re doing, but…”

“Trying to stay busy. Not sure what else to do.”

“Is Blaine still home?”

“Yep. He went to the office for a short time before he came back. He’s been taking calls and giving orders from here.”

“I’m glad he’s with you.”

“Me, too. I wish they’d find them. One way or the other. The not knowing is hard.”

“I can only imagine. You want to talk about it?”

“You’ve got enough going on over there.”

“The twins are down for a nap, and Linda is making lunch for Thomas, Hailey, Mac and Liam, who’s hanging with us today while Abby is at the clinic. I guess she woke up with a pain.”

“Oh no. No, no,no.”

“We’re hoping for the best.”

“God, me, too. Poor Abby—and Adam. They’ve been through enough.”

“I know. Linda and I were just saying that. But back to you… Talk to me, Tiff. What’s going through your mind?”

“So many things, but ironically, I find myself thinking about the good times and not how it all went so very wrong.”

“It’s good to focus on the positive.”

“I guess, but it makes me even sadder to think about how he let his perfectly lovely life go completely off the rails.”