Page 30 of Renewal After Dark

“And vice versa. We all loved her.”

“I did, too. She was a good friend to me. Her granddaughter had come out to stay at Rosemary’s cabin before the storm and is staying in my garage apartment since the place collapsed.”

“Is she the one Blaine rescued?”

“That’s her.”

“Heard she had a baby with her, too.”

“Yes, little Jax. Thankfully, Blaine came upon them before they got hurt, but she’s in a bind with the cabin being destroyed. I know you’re probably slammed after the storm, but if you guys could fit her in over the next little while, I’d sure appreciate it.”

“I’ll see what we can do to get out there as soon as possible.”

“She’s fine at my place for as long as she needs a roof over her head, but I’m sure she’d like to get back to her own space before too long.”

“Of course. I’ve put her on the list and will prioritize it since she’s Rosemary’s granddaughter and a single mom.”

“That’s very good of you.”

“I married a single mom. I know how challenging it is, even when her home isn’t knocked down by a storm.”

“I remember when you and Maddie crashed into each other on Ocean Road.”

“And the rest was history,” Mac said with a chuckle. “I’ll be back in touch soon.”

“You’re the best. Thank you.”

As he ended the call, he saw McKenzie come down the stairs to the yard, carrying Jax and a full backpack.

He jumped up to relieve her of the bag. “Where you headed?”

“Into town. Tiffany hired me to work at her store. I figured she might need some extra help right away, with her ex-husband missing and all of that.”

“I’m sure she’d appreciate the offer. How are you getting to town?”

“I was going to walk.”

“That’s a long walk carrying a baby.”

“I can do it.”

“Or I could give you a ride.”

“You’ve already done so much for us. I don’t want to be a pain.”

“You’re not a pain. I need to run by the studio anyway. We’re closed today, but it’s the dreaded paperwork day.”

“As long as you’d be going in, I’d appreciate the ride. Let me just go get his car seat.”

“Want me to hold him for you while you do that?”

She gave him an uncertain look that passed as quickly as it’d come. “Sure. Thanks.”

He took the sturdy little guy from her and held him carefully while she dashed for the stairs to fetch the seat.

“Hey there. I’m Duke. What’s your story?”

The baby studied him intently. “Gagagaga.”