Page 21 of Renewal After Dark

“Thanks again for everything. You’ve been an amazing new friend.”

“Pleasure’s all mine.”

As she went up the stairs to the apartment, she said a silent thank-you to her grandmother for making a friend of Duke. Rosemary always had great taste in people—she hadn’t liked either of her daughter’s husbands—and because of that, it was easier for McKenzie to immediately put her trust in him. There’s no way she would’ve invested her time and energy into Duke if she hadn’t seen true potential in him.

The Rosemary seal of approval meant the world to her.

She checked on Jax, who was sleeping soundly, and closed the window she’d opened so she’d hear him from downstairs.

As she got ready for bed, she thought about the things she’d learned about Duke over the last hour, from the cross-stitching—she’d never get over that discovery—to being raised in the foster care system to giving up a woman he’d loved for Gansett, which he loved more. He’d led an interesting life, to be certain, and talking to him had been easy, as if they’d known each other much longer than the ten days since he’d come looking for them after the storm and found them at Tiffany’s.

The sheets and pillows smelled of fresh air, which meant he’d gone to some trouble to make sure she was cozy and comfortable.

He was sweet, thoughtful, handsome in his own special way and had already stepped up for her more than some people she’d known all her life ever had.

For the first time in a while, she was looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.


Long after McKenzie went upstairs and the lights went off in the apartment, Duke sat watching the fire and thinking about the things she’d told him about herself. The baby’s father had deceived her terribly before bolting. That made him a loser of the highest order. She and the baby were better off without him.

Her mother was complicated and difficult, which he’d heard before from Rosemary. She’d often lamented about her daughter Cecelia’s challenges in getting along in the world. He remembered her saying how she and her husband used to call Cecelia their little porcupine, which was cute until Cecelia grew up and became even more contrary and difficult to deal with as an adult.

Cecelia’s many struggles had caused heartache for her mother. “All a mother wants for her kids is an easier life than she had,” Rosemary had said. “That was never going to happen for that girl because all she did was make things harder for herself than they needed to be.”

He’d never thought about what that sort of behavior might be like for Cecelia’s kids.

That McKenzie would rather be alone with a baby on Gansett than at home with her mother said a lot about their relationship.

Duke was glad she’d come to their island and looked forward to getting to know her better. The more time he spent with her, the more intrigued he became, even as he tried to slow his roll. He had nothing but respect for her as his dear friend’s granddaughter, who was coming back from a tough couple of years.

The last thing she needed was an older man following her around like a dog in heat.

He grunted out a laugh at the way he’d described himself. He wasn’t quite that far gone, but he needed to mind his manners around her. Right now, she needed a friend much more than she needed another complication with a man.

While she figured out a plan for herself and her son, he would be her friend and would help her navigate the maze of insurance and reconstruction of the cabin.

Maybe something more would come of it. Maybe it wouldn’t. Either way, he was content with his life and would continue to be no matter what happened next.

Even as he told himself that, he couldn’t wait to see her and Jax tomorrow.

Blaine Taylor wokefrom the deepest sleep he’d had in days. Ahead of the storm and after, he’d worked around the clock to ensure the safety of the island and its residents. As the chief of police, he felt a deep responsibility for every one of his seven hundred year-round residents, as well as the thousands who came each summer to enjoy the island’s beaches and other attractions.

It weighed on him that two men were missing after the storm. That one of the missing men was his wife’s ex-husband and the father of his beloved stepdaughter made things even more complicated.

Blaine turned toward his wife’s side of the bed and realized it was empty. The clock read 4:06.Where the heck was she? He rolled out of bed and went to find her, checking first in the girls’ rooms. Both their little ladies were sound asleep. Hopefully, they’d stay that way for a few more hours.

Downstairs, he followed the glow of light to the half-bath off the kitchen, where his pregnant wife was on her knees scrubbing the tile floor.

“What’re you doing, babe?”

She turned to him, startled by his sudden appearance.

That’s when he saw the yellow rubber gloves that covered her hands and forearms. Something about those damned gloves struck him as ridiculously adorable.

“You scared me.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to. I woke up and couldn’t find you, so I came looking. Why are you cleaning the bathroom floor in the middle of the night?”