“Feeling’s mutual, asshole.” I move against him, up and down rubbing on his dick as I reach my fingers over my clit and rub back and forth intensifying the feeling.
“Fuck, keep touching yourself, Red, just like that baby.”
“Oh god, I’m gonna cum,” I cry out.
“I’m right there with you, angel,” he says, and I collapse on top of him after the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.
“Fuck,” I whisper against his chest and I can still feel him shooting his cum inside me. Thank fuck for birth control. I’m hardly this reckless but something about Ace Servite has me questioning my sanity every goddamn day.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Scarlett Steele.”
I sit still for a few minutes, my head against his chest listening to his rapid heartbeat and the steadying pace of his erratic breathing when we’re startled by his phone buzzing.
“This better be fucking important, Bass, or I’m gonna kill you for interrupting me,” he says, scowling at his phone. “Fuck, I’ll be right out. Meet me back at the house,” he hangs up, and I lift myhead to kiss him softly. “That was Bass, he said the guard at the front gate alerted him your friends are on their way in.”
“Oh, fuck!” I shout, jumping out of the bed grasping a sheet to cover myself. “You need to leave.” Heading over to grab a pair of underwear, shorts, and a hoodie from my closet, I dress quickly and grab Ace’s clothes, throwing them at him. “Did you not hear me, get dressed!”
He stands still, naked, a deep scowl taking over his face, as walks over to me grabbing me by the waist.
“Is this one of his fucking hoodies?” he asks tugging on the fabric looking visibly pissed.Fuck.
“Yes, now get out.”
He growls. “Not until you take that shit off.”
“Fuck you. I’m not taking it off. Drake’s my boyfriend… was my boyfriend. Fuck, I don’t know what we are. But I can wear his fucking hoodie if I want.”
“The fuck you can. Did you not hear the part where I said you’re fucking mine or was your brain too foggy from all the fucking orgasms you had?!” he shouts, jealously the little green monster making an appearance, and fuck if it’s a turn on.What the hell is wrong with me?
I shouldn’t get this turned on by his cocky, asshole, possessiveness. I should fume at his incessant need to claim me as his possession.
“So, what, we fucked, and you made me cum, repeatedly. That’s all this was. You were pissed, I was pissed. I needed to fuck you out of my system and now I have. Now get the fuck out,” I say, a blatant lie escaping my lips but it’s what he needs to hear.
The passionate look in his eyes is calling to something deep inside me. His domineering nature stirs things in me that ought to be destroyed. The way he stands, so sure of himself in all his naked glory, sends a shot of need to my innermost parts. Combine that with the cocky smirk on his face, the thick cloud of lust darkeninghis eyes, and the palpable desire emanating from his entire being, I’m fucking done for.
I had a taste, and I don’t think I can ever get enough of Ace Servite.
“Fuck that, I think I’ll stay and give the dragon the good news myself,” he says, leaning against the wall of my closet with his arms comfortably crossed over his chest.
As much as I want to keep him here, to continue what we started, the others are on their way back, and I need to get him out.
“Get the fuck out, Ace! You can’t be here when they get back.”
“Tell me you’re mine and that you’re never going back to that fucker.” He swiftly moves toward me, gripping my face in between his hands and bringing his forehead down to mine, a pleading look in his eyes. He needs me to tell him I’m his, to hear that fucking lie from my lips.
The possessive bastard inside needs to hear those words come from my mouth. However, the greedy bitch in me won’t ever say them out loud. Not even if they may be true.
“No! I’m not yours, I’m not his. I’m not anyone’s.” I pull away from him, but his hands move to grip my shoulders. “I belong to myself and I always will. Now get, the fuck, out!”
At that, Bass comes running into the room slamming the door against the wall as he throws it open.
“Oh, fuck man, put some clothes on,” he says, shielding his eyes from Ace’s fully naked backside. “Ace, we need to get out of here, now.”
Ace turns and scowls at his boy, but Bass returns it just the same.
“He called. He wants to see us,” Bass says calmly before heading out and back toward the front door.
“This conversation isn’t over, Red. You’re mine whether or not you want to accept it, I can promise you that.” He grabs his pants from off the floor and slips into them, not bothering to put on his boxers before yanking his T-shirt over his shoulders and slippingon his shoes. Reaching down for his boxers he flings them onto the bed. “A little reminder of my time here, in case the aching between your legs isn’t enough,” he says, winking as he heads out the door.