“Okay,” she says as I walk away toward the house.
Isneak away and into the Servite mansion without being seen, which is a challenge in itself since so many people are here. Guess that’s the benefit of being invisible amongst the masses of rich kids I have nothing in common with.
The inside of the manor, as expected, is just as exquisite as the exterior. Stark white walls with crystal chandeliers hanging in every room along with black and gold accents and furniture fill the space. A large marble staircase sits in the middle of the room leading to the upstairs in front of a floor to ceiling window display.
The sun is now set and the moonlight shines through the floor-length windows all around. I find the house eerily quiet since the party’s confined to the outside, as I make my way up the marble staircase leading to the second floor. Agent Servite mentioned his study was on the third floor, so I turn to find another marble staircase, this one smaller than the other, leading to the top floor.
As I reach the top of the staircase, I get the eerie sensation thatI’m being followed, but when I turn, I find no one behind me. Chalking it up to my paranoia, I take a turn down the right corridor and make my way to the end of the hall where I find a large red door with golden handles that doesn’t match the rest of the house. This is obviously the entrance to Wesley’s office. He said I’d know when I found it.
I look behind me once again to make sure no one’s followed me before opening the door and entering the room.
Inside the room is dark with only a sliver of light coming in through the center of the black curtains behind a large desk. Along the walls are built-in bookshelves and large black and white portraits of naked couples in seductive poses. Mesmerized by the beautiful way the model’s bodies intertwine, I can’t help but stare astonished only to realize the man in all the portraits is Agent Servite with a woman whose face is hidden.
An icy cold sensation passes through my veins as I shudder at the realization. I close my eyes and curse aloud, wishing I had never seen that. I can just picture Servite now, with his smug grin and wicked eyes laughing at my reaction.
Walking over to the bookshelves, I run my finger over the old dusty covers. First editions of some of the most famous classics works of literature. I head toward the desk and I remember he said there would be an envelope for me inside his desk drawer. I wiggle the drawer trying to open it but find it locked. Quickly shuffling through the papers on the desk looking for a key to the drawer, I find one hidden in a small decorative box that sits in the corner of the desk. But just as I am about to reach down and unlock the drawer, I hear a noise coming from behind me.
The door creaks open and a dark shadow appears right as I crouch down to hide underneath the desk. Loud footsteps echo in the silence, the sound of heels clacking against the wooden floorboards. The steps get louder the closer they get to me, and I can’t help but close my eyes as I sense the stranger’s impending arrival.Bile rises in my throat once again and I bring my hand to my mouth to stop it from coming out.
Suddenly, the door creaks once more as if it’s being opened again.
“Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing sneaking into my uncle’s study?”Shit. Ace’s voice grows louder as he steps into the room, closing the door behind him, but it’s the voice I hear next that makes me cringe in fear. A voice I never expected to hear again.
My mother.
“Look, boy, this is none of your concern, so I suggest you leave and look the other way. If I’m not mistaken, I assume you're used to that.”
But Ace ignores her demand. “I asked you a fucking question. Who the fuck are you?” I hear a shuffling of books and papers, and I know she’s looking for the money I was supposed to place on the desk.
“Get the hell away from his desk,” Ace shouts once again, and I hear more footsteps coming closer before suddenly appearing in front of me. I cover my mouth to hold back my gasp, as Ace stands beside his uncle’s desk, the desk I am currently hiding under. I drag my foot closer to me hoping to hide completely under the desk, but my movement catches his attention.
He looks down and sees me under the desk, a look of confusion on his face, but I bring my finger to my lips pleading him to keep quiet and he quickly looks back up to my mom.
“What’s under the desk?” she asks, approaching us.
Ace stands straighter and shifts his feet closer to me to hide me completely from view. “A panic button so I suggest you leave because I just called for security and they’ll be up any moment.”
“You foolish boy, you’ll regret this,” my mother says almost laughingly. “You tell your Uncle Wesley this was his one and only chance. He will never hear from me again.”
I hear the door creak open once again before slamming shut, but can’t seem to move, unsure of what will happen next. My mother was just in this room like Agent Servite said she’d be. But she didn’t get the money, and he didn’t get her. Which means his plan failed and I’ll be the one to pay for it. I cringe at the thought, closing my eyes, letting my head fall back against the bottom of the desk.
“What the hell are you doing down there?” Ace shouts as he crouches and grabs my hands, pulling me out from under the desk into a standing position. My head feels woozy and my steps falter slightly, losing my balance. Strong arms come around me as he positions me on the desk, my ass now resting against the wooden surface.
A stiff hand cups my face, caressing my cheek underneath the mask. My gaze settles on Ace as I take in the sight of him for the first time tonight. He’s wearing an all-black suit and a matte black mask with gold and red accents just like mine. His eyes look a stormy blue as they stare deep into mine, his face illuminated by a small gleam of moonlight coming in through the window behind us.
“You wore it?” he asks, tenderly stroking my cheek, tucking a loose tendril of hair behind my ear. My eyes close at the feel of his cool hand against my heated cheek and I let my head fall back slightly, a soft moan escaping me.
“It’s beautiful,” I whisper softly, opening my eyes, once again looking into his eyes and I regret it almost instantly. His gaze is now dark, full of lust and desire, and fuck if it doesn’t send a flood of heat to my core.
“Absolutely stunning,” he says, cupping my chin and bringing my face closer to his, so our lips a mere centimeter away.
I gasp and he licks his lips wantonly.
“What are you doing in here, Red?” he asks, bringing me out of my daze, reminding me of where we are.