She hums quietly while his touch lulls her off to a blissful headspace.

Chance returns and carefully cleans her up, before the four of us crawl into bed with Selena nestled between us. I’ve waited over forty years to feel this complete, and I can honestly say it was worth it.



It’s been a whirlwind of changes since that dreadful night several weeks ago when Stan attacked me at my apartment. I decided I didn’t want to go back, so my guys had the place packed up and my things moved into storage. We’re still shuffling around like nomads and rotating between their three homes. But we’ve at least discussed moving in together and we all agreed it would be the best solution. Not sure when that’ll happen, but I’m trying my best to be patient. It’s a little annoying having three of everything, but they paid for it, so I guess I can’t complain.

They also footed the bill when I visited my mom last week. I assured them I didn’t need their money for the trip, but since they tagged along—even though I begged them not to—I suppose it was only fair. To say my mother was shocked to see them would be an understatement. But she surprisingly took it in stride when I tried explaining our relationship to her. I’m not sure she understood how it all works, but I think she got the gist of it. And she promised she was happy for me as long as I was happy with them. I confirmed I couldn’t be more ecstatic.

Breaking the news to Ms. Abernathy was another shock I wasn’t prepared for. I was wrought with anxiety for days, not sure how she’d take it or what she’d think of me. But for the first time, I saw the typically reserved woman roll her eyes, as if we were sharing old news and she had better things to do than gossip about our love lives. However, she gave each of us a stern warning about not wanting to see any shenanigans in the office. We’ve tried our best to heed her caution, but I’d be lying if I said she hasn’t caught us a time or two.

I admit their open affection takes some getting used to. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d find three men who love me as much as I love them. Finding one partner is hard enough, but I feel like I’ve hit the lottery with Chance, Brody, and Noah. And I know they feel the same way about me. I have no idea what the future holds for us and our unconventional relationship. But I’m eager to figure it out as long as I have them by my side.

Noah opens his door and pokes his head out. “Can you come here for a second, please?”

I grab a pen and paper and make my way to his office. When I step inside, he’s packing up his bag and I look at my watch.That’s odd.It’s only a few minutes after three and I don’t recall him having any offsite meetings today.

“Going somewhere?” I ask.

“We’regoing somewhere.”

My brow furrows and I tilt my head.

“We’re taking the rest of the day off,” he explains, and my mouth drops open.

“We’re what?” Surely, I didn’t hear him correctly because Noah Kincaid never leaves early.

“Get your things, honey. Chance and Brody are already waiting for us downstairs.”

My chest tightens and my pulse picks up. “What’s wrong?”

His features soften as he strides over to me. “Nothing’s wrong. I promise.” He tugs me in for a hug and kisses the top of my head.

“Does this have something to do with Stan? Did they drop the charges or something?”

Noah pulls back to look at me with his hands on my shoulders. “Absolutely not. I assure you that asshole will never be able to hurt you again. There’s no way he’ll get out of this.”

“Okay, then what’s going on?”

“Can’t we surprise you? I swear you’ll like it.” His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas while he looks at me, but my gaze narrows.

“You don’t like surprises and you never take time off.”

“Well, maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”

I’m still unsure what they’re up to but I’ll go along with it.

“Now, c’mon. They’re waiting for us.” He grabs his bag and ushers me out the door.

“What about Ms. Abernathy?” I ask while he nudges me toward my desk.

He turns to address her instead of responding to me. “We have an appointment to get to. A personal one.” He grins. “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off?”

She eyes him suspiciously before glancing at me, and I blush. Without saying a word, she collects her things and heads out for the day.

“Well, that was easier than I thought it’d be.”