“Get me outta here. I can’t stay here anymore.” Her shoulder sag with defeat. This was her home. Her safe space. And that arrogant motherfucker has ruined it for her. Now, I’m going to ruin him for even considering hurting her.

Noah returns from her bedroom, carrying a small duffle bag with him. “I’ve gathered a few more of your things. You already have some of your belongings at my place, but we’ll make sure you have whatever you need.”

“I think it’s time we talked about our living arrangements,” I suggest, and she looks at me with a tilt of her head. “We spend far too much time going between one of our four homes. Don’t you think it’d be better if we all lived in the same place?”

This would be nothing for Chance and Noah, as we used to live together years ago. I have no idea how Selena will feel about it, though. I don’t know if she’s ever lived with anyone besides her mother. And living with a man, let alone three of them, would pose some interesting challenges, I’m sure. But I don’t want to go another day with the possibility of spending a night without her. I need her under the same roof so I can make sure she’s safe and happy and well cared for.

Chance and Noah nod at the idea, but Selena sits quietly and sips her tea. If she needs time to think about it, we’ll certainly give it to her. But I don’t think I can pretend it won’t kill me if she saysno.

Finally, she sets her cup on the coffee table and shifts in her seat to face me. Then she smiles, and relief floods my chest. “I like that idea.”

“Thank fuck,” I confess with a nervous laugh.

“I like your penthouses better anyway.” The light comes back to her eyes and I can tell she’s happy.

Noah offers his hand and helps her rise from the sofa. “Let’s discuss this in more detail later. For now, let’s get you home.”

“Whose home?” she asks.

“Mine. It’s the closest,” Noah says.

“Okay.” She moves in his direction, but her knees wobble and she missteps.

Chance is right behind her to scoop her up in his arms, and she lets out a subtle yelp. “I gotcha, beautiful.”

I’m sure she can walk, but why should she when he can carry her?

As soon aswe arrive at Noah’s place, we’re tripping over ourselves as we fawn all over her. She’s been hugged and kissed and offered everything we could think of to make her comfortable. We were worried out of our minds when Noah got her call, and I don’t think any of us has calmed down since.

“Will the three of you please sit down?” she implores. “You’re making me nervous.”

“Sorry,” I say and quickly take the seat next to her.

Noah sits on her other side, pulling her hand into his. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been slapped around.” She laughs, but the sound is bitter and it reignites my rage. “I’m better now that I’m here with you.”

He kisses the back of her hand and we all sit silently for a few moments with our own thoughts.

“Why don’t we get you up to bed? You can take my room and we’ll sleep in the others.”

“No,” she blurts with panic etched on her pretty face. “I-I want you.” She glances at each of us. “All of you.”

I run my hand up and down her thigh. “Fine, but only to rest. You’ve been through a lot tonight.”

“I have and it’s left bad memories that I don’t want to think about.” Her eyes are filled with anguish and I’d give anything to make it disappear. “I want you to make me forget,” she pleads.

“Are you sure?” Chance asks, sitting in front of her on the coffee table. “Take all the time you need, beautiful. We aren’t going anywhere. I promise.”

She peers at him with a hopeful gaze. “I know that. I just want you to make me feel good. Just for a little while, then I swear I’ll rest.”

He lifts her chin and caresses the side of her face. “If that’s what you want, then you don’t have to ask us twice.” He smiles and her body relaxes.

“Then take me to bed, please. I need it.”

He helps her up from the couch, and we escort her to Noah’s bedroom. It’s a massive space with an oversized king bed, and I’ve never been more thankful that he prefers to have everything custom made. The lighting is dim and the temperature is comfortable, but she still shivers when I slowly begin undressing her.

“Cold, pretty girl?”