“Liar.” Chance smirks.
I take a seat next to him on the couch. “Just having a little fun is all.”
“Careful, your sadism is showing,” Chance cautions. “Don’t piss her off, man.” My best friend knows me well and probably has an idea of what I’m up to.
“But she’s so cute when she’s mad.”
Noah chuckles from his desk. “I dare you to tell her that. I wouldn’t mind seeing you get hit.”
“You just might get your wish because something tells me she’s about to be livid.”
Chance sits upright and pivots toward me. “What the fuck did you do?”
“Maybe I poked the bear a little.” I grin.
Noah’s interest is piqued and he leans in my direction, resting his forearms on his desk. “Explain.”
“I think our girl needs a reminder of how good it feels to be ours. Force her to think about it constantly like we do until nothing else matters. Make her see she can’t run from this, no matter where we are or what we’re doing.”
They ponder my words in silence before they both light up with wide smiles.
Noah reclines back in his chair. “So she asked us to be professional, but you’re going to be the opposite.”
“Is this some kind of fucked-up reverse psychology?” Confusion is written on Chance’s face.
“Something like that.” I smirk. “No woman wants to be kept a secret. I don’t care what she says. And while I promise to always be respectful of her, especially when we’re working, I need to make her see that we should take full advantage of every opportunity we get to enjoy this new relationship.”
“Fair enough. I can agree with that.” He nods. “So what do you have in mind?”
I tell them about the lewd note I just left for her, disguised as urgent work I needed done. They laugh, but quickly get on board with my plan. The whole thing could blow up in our faces, but judging by how much she’s enjoyed being with us so far, I doubt that’ll be the case.
For the rest of the afternoon, we torment Selena. Dragging her into secluded corners to steal kisses and play with her pussy. Calling her into our offices, pretending to need something when all we want is to make her come. She’s always hesitant at first, trying to keep up the facade. But after a few brief moments, her body gives in to what she craves and she easily submits, regardless of how hard she tries not to. She’s both pissed off and turned on for the entire day, and I’m just waiting for her to kick all our asses.
It’s five o’clock and I watch Ms. Abernathy walk to the elevators to head home. I rise from my desk and join my friendsin Noah’s office, waiting for the fireworks to begin. After only a few minutes, Selena bursts through the door and slams it behind her. Her amber eyes are dark with fury as she levels a glare at us.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” she shouts with her fists clenched on her curvy hips.
“Whatever do you mean?” I bat my lashes at her, adding fuel to the flames.
“We’re not a bunch of horny teenagers. You can’t act like this at work,” she chastises. “We’ll never be able to keep this thing a secret with you?—”
I rest against the edge of Noah’s desk with one ankle over the other and my arms crossed over my chest. “We never agreed to keep you a secret.”
“That doesn’t mean you can disregard my wishes.”
Guilt swirls in my chest. Chance steps closer to Selena but proceeds with caution. “We weren’t disregarding your wishes, beautiful.”
“Then what would you call it?” she huffs.
“I thought I made myself clear before. I’m done pretending I don’t want you.” Noah’s tone is stern, and she drops her hands to her sides on a gasp. “You can fight this all you want, baby, but you belong to us now and we’ll have you when we want.”
Selena swallows, but holds his stare.
“Do you trust us?”
She’s quiet for a moment, appearing to lose some of her fight. “I think I’ve already proven that.”
His tone softens as he continues. “Then trust that we’ll take care of you, regardless of where we are.”