“Guess I’ll just have to carry you then.”

Her giggles spread warmth through my chest as I walk us over to my couch,where she rides me until we both come again.



After handing my keys to the valet, I stroll inside Salvatore’s, the bar we frequent whenever we want to talk outside the office. It’s one of those expensive cigar lounges that caters to wealthy businessmen and men who come from old money. It’s too pretentious for me and I wouldn’t step foot in here if they didn’t have the best whiskeys.

The place is high-end and dimly lit, decorated with rich dark shades of brown. The masculine scents of warm tobacco and leather fill the air, growing stronger as I walk farther inside. Spotting Noah and Brody near the back of the room, I cut through the late-evening crowd and make my way toward them. They’re waiting for me in a VIP area, roped off from the rest of the patrons. Knowing Noah, this seating arrangement is per his request, as the man despises people sticking their noses where they don’t belong.

I sit down on a couch beside Noah, draping my arm across the back of it. A server notices my arrival and approaches me from the side.

“Can I get you anything, sir?” he asks.

“Macallan. Neat, please.”

With a nod, he heads to the bar and I turn toward my friends. Noah is settled against the plush leather sofa with his ankle resting on his opposite knee as he casually sips his drink. The first two buttons of his shirt are undone, and his tie is long gone. He looks relaxed and in his element, like a king after a long day of ruling over his company. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him like this, and I have my guess as to why.

Brody, on the other hand, looks anxious as fuck, his knee bouncing wildly as he downs his bourbon in one gulp.

“What’s wrong with you?” I lift a brow at him.

“I’m dying, that’s what,” he responds, and I refrain from rolling my eyes at his dramatics.

“Somehow, I doubt that’s true.” I shoot him a deadpan stare. “Spill it.”

“It’s been days since I’ve touched her and I’m losing my fucking mind,” Brody answers, and my mouth goes dry at the thought of her. I’ve been away on business for the last few days, meeting with clients, and haven’t gotten to see her face or hear her voice. It’s been maddening and I hate it.

Our server approaches with my drink as well as glasses of whiskey for my two friends.

“Thanks,” I tell the waiter before he walks off. Swirling the amber liquid around, I inhale its sweet scent and take a long sip. It’s smooth and mellow and tastes like spicy caramel vanilla with notes of honeyed orange.

I grip the glass, warming its contents and enhancing the flavor of the whiskey as I relax into my cushy seat. Hooking one finger in the knot of my tie, I tug at it until it loosens from around my neck.

“How did she look today? Is she taking care of herself?” I ask, knowing our girl has the tendency to focus on her work and forget her basic needs.

Selena can go hours before remembering to eat or drink anything. I’m not even sure she remembers to go to the bathroom, which is another thing we should address. I realize she’s a grown woman and can take care of herself, but if she doesn’t do a better job of it, then we’ll just have to do it for her.

“Yeah, I made her eat a bagel for breakfast, then pasta for lunch. And she complained the whole time.” Brody chuckles as he recalls the memory.

“I bet she did. Stubborn girl.” I glance at Noah, noticing his unseeing gaze. “You good? You said you had something you wanted to talk about.”

He’d texted us this afternoon and asked to meet here after work. Usually, that means he wants to hash out some deal or brainstorm a new proposal. But from the look on his face, I’m guessing it has something to do with Selena. I just don’t know what.

Without having to ask, the server quietly returns with another glass of whiskey for me, setting it on the table before taking away my old one. I take a sip of my fresh drink while I continue to stare at Noah and wait for him to speak.

“I couldn’t wait any longer,” he confesses, and a mix of jealousy and arousal barrels through me.

“What the fuck, man?” I exclaim, sitting up and moving to the edge of my seat. Brody is quiet, his face devoid of expression. “I thought we agreed that her first time with us would be with—oh, I don’t know—us?” I sneer.

“I’m not going to apologize for fucking her,” Noah says, his tone icy.

“I’m not asking you to 'cause I sure as hell wouldn’t. But you could’ve waited for us, you greedy bastard.”

Noah just smirks while Brody shoots him a glare. “My patience and my resistance just fucking snapped last night. I know I should’ve waited for you, but I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“And you think I could?” Brody scowls, and Noah has the decency to at least look remorseful.