Page 60 of Undeniable You

There were so many considerations with this relationship, but they weren’t as difficult as I thought they would be. It had been easy to agree to stay last night. It was easy to make breakfast with Larison. She was in charge and I moved around her, making sure to stay out of her way, but ready to hand her something before she needed it.

This time we had breakfast on the floor, which was fun. Juniper kept getting distracted, but I left it to Larison to do themajority of the attempts to get her back on task, but I backed her up if Juniper didn’t listen.

Juniper helped me clean up from breakfast as Larison started packing up for the beach.

“It’s unbelievable how much stuff we have to bring with us,” she said as she packed up a travel cooler with snacks and drinks.

“Do you want to get lunch there? I’ll pay,” I said.

I saw the desire to argue and say that I didn’t need to do that flash in her eyes, but she nodded after a moment. “Sure. That would be great.”

“Not going to lie,having someone to help me pack the car is a definite bonus,” Larison said as we tossed everything in the trunk and got Juniper in her seat.

“Since Jo is coming with us, she should get a turn to pick music I think,” Larison said, winking at me.

“I guess,” Juniper said, not so enthusiastic about that idea. I wanted to laugh.

“I have great taste in music!” I said, reaching behind me to tickle her leg until she laughed. I synced my phone with the Bluetooth and brought up one of my favorite playlists of fun music. Lots of pop that I knew Larison would like but would also appeal to Juniper.

She danced in her seat as we drove my apartment and then to the beach. I couldn’t help but look over at Larison as she sang along, a smile on her face.

She’d been gorgeous last night, but this was a different kind of beauty and it almost stopped my heart.

“Stop staring at me,” she said, not taking her eyes off the road.

“Sorry, can’t help it.”

She bit her lip and shook her head, but I could tell she was pleased. This woman deserved to have someone appreciate her. To tell her how stunning she was every day. To help carry her load. To stand by her side.


I was definitely and absolutely falling in love with her. It was obvious, but the more I was with her, the more I sunk into my new reality of loving Larison.

“We’re here!” Larison said and Juniper cheered.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Having Jo with us for beach day was relaxing and exciting at the same time. Every time I looked at her, I remembered what we’d done last night and shivered with the memories. I’d absolutely passed out afterward and had slept better than I had in a long time.

Our eyes would meet, and she’d give me a look and I knew she was thinking about it too. And then Juniper would say something and I’d get a little flustered, as if I’d been caught doing something bad.

Jo carried Juniper’s pail of shells and helped her find pretty rocks and then the three of us threw ourselves into the surf. The two of us grabbed each of Juniper’s hands and towed her through the waves. Jo attempted to do underwater handstands and helped Juniper try, the two of them laughing and spitting water at each other.

I floated on my back and let the sun beat down on me as I listened to Jo and Juniper.

My girls.

That was new. Obviously Juniper had always been mine, but Jo hadn’t been. Or I hadn’t let myself think of her as mine, but that word and that ownership had seeped into my life and had really taken hold last night when we’d been together.

I didn’t believe that sex automatically created connections, but sex with Jo had deepened what we already had and revealed parts of ourselves to each other that we hadn’t seen before.

Intimacy. We’d crossed into another level with each other.

Falling for Jo would be so easy. Like floating. Like breathing. But it was also terrifying. I hadn’t fallen for anyone before. Not really. I’d had my teenage relationships and then had Juniper and never let myself get close enough for that to be a possibility.

I really would have to thank Sophie for helping bring Jo into my life.