“Wanna try to get off at the same time?” I asked her.
“I’ll race you,” she said, a gleam in her eye.
Larison leaned over and pulled two vibrators out of her bedside table.
She finished first.
“Does that mean I win?” she asked, turning off the vibe and setting it aside.
“I feel like we both kinda won.” I’d draped my leg over hers so we could be in contact while we’d gotten off.
“Next time we can use them on each other,” she said.
“Next time,” I said through a yawn. I’d climaxed so hard. Twice. My body was nothing but goo and mush and heaviness. I wanted to sleep so badly.
“If I don’t get up and move now, I’m going to fall asleep,” I said, attempting to sit up and not quite making it. My arms were nothing but soggy noodles.
“You can stay. If you want. I know you probably didn’t plan that. But you can. If you wanted to.”
Oh. I definitely hadn’t planned on staying. I hadn’t thought much beyond dressing cute and getting back to her house to see her. Maybe I should have thought ahead and brought a change of clothes and other supplies.
“Okay,” I said, not just because I was so tired. I wanted to wake up with her and Juniper. I wanted to make breakfast with them.
She smiled and kissed me. “I don’t know about you, but I’m wiped. Having a kid means I keep old lady hours.” She covered a yawn with her hand.
“That’s okay,” I said. I’d never been one to stay up too late, unless it was with a good book. Then all bets were off. But tonight, I was sated and drowsy and ready to hold her until I passed out.
“How’s this: We’ll get up and take a shower and change the bed. You can borrow something to sleep in. I never sleep naked for obvious reasons.” Juniper reasons, I was guessing.
“That sounds like a perfect plan,” I said.
We managed to get up and go to the shower, hushing each other and trying not to laugh too much as we got clean and then wrapped ourselves up in towels and scampered back to Larison’s room.
We made the bed up with fresh blankets and sheets and I tried not to blush about shoving them into the washer. They smelled like both of us combined.
Larison gave me a T-shirt and some shorts that I slipped on before I stood at the sink with her to brush my teeth. She’d handed me a child-sized purple toothbrush that she’d gotten for Juni at the dentist and had on hand.
I offered to brush out her hair and she let me.
“Shit, your hair is gorgeous. I’m so jealous. Mine is so blah.”
“I love your hair. It’s so pretty when it’s all tangled and wild,” Larison said.
“Well, thanks.”
Once I finished, she offered to do the same for me, and I let her.
Feeling giggly and silly, I climbed into bed with her.
“Do you snore?” I asked her.
“I don’t think so. I haven’t slept in bed with someone in a long time.”
Me neither.
“Guess we’ll find out,” I said.
She pulled me into her arms and breathed deeply.