Coming from any woman that sounds bad. From a former lover it doesn’t inspire any good or giddy feelings either. She’s also a coworker so it’s best to get whatever it is over with quickly so we can move on.

“Sure, what’s going on?” I ask, leaning a hip against the rolling cart where my supplies are kept.

“I didn’t realize you and Sadie were dating.”

It’s been two weeks since Sadie came in and saw me with Terry, so I don’t know why she’s bringing this up now. To be honest I wasn’t even aware she knew Sadie’s name. Sure Sadie’s been coming in for tattoos with me for two years, but she’s my client, not Terry’s, and we normally mind our own business. Something I wish Terry would start doing. This friend BS is new, and I don’t want nor appreciate it.

“Yes, we are dating,” I say gruffly.

Her lips pinch together. “Little juvenile for you, don’t you think?”

I think no such thing. “She’s twenty-eight. Yes, she’s younger. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s only eleven years.”

Laughing, Terry gets up from my chair and walks over to me. “The way she ran out of here I would have thought she was twelve. You have to watch out for those immature jealous types. You never know what will set them off.” With a smirk, she reaches for my arm. “Before you know it she might say you can’t have any female clients.”

I jerk away from her touch, and Terry’s smug grin widens. “Or she’ll dictate who you can work with. I know her type. Controlling and jealous.”

“You don’t know a thing about her.” I move around her to start getting my station set up and Terry steps in my path. Glaring at her, I say, “And you don’t know me either.”

Her mouth opens in shock and shuts with a click. “I’m only trying to save you from trouble later on and this is the thanks I get,” she huffs. “Whatever, you’ll see that I’m right.” She stomps away into the back room.

What the hell was that about?!

I’d say Terry was jealous of me being with Sadie, yet that makes no sense. Our fling ended mutually and in the years since she’s never acted like she wanted to rekindle things. Not that I wanted that either. What we had was purely a physical thing, and that’s not what I want anymore.

And certainly not what I need.

Who I want and need is Sadie. She’s the total package, a friend who is also my lover and who I can see spending the rest of my life with.

Maybe Terry is seeing something that I’m not, but no way am I about to throw away the best thing that’s ever happened to me on her say so.


I’m munching my way through a bowl of cereal when my doorbell starts ringing followed by loud pounding on the door. Frowning, I get up and go to the door. I’m not expecting anyone or a package so I’m not sure who’s bothering me.

Sadie’s cheerful face beams at me through the peephole.

“What a nice surprise,” I say, opening the door and stepping aside to let her in.

She has a big teal and white striped tote bag on her shoulder as she bounds into the house.

Sadie speaks very slowly, her mouth carefully enunciating each word. “Mack! Good morning. Hopefully I didn’t wake you.”

“No, I’m up. I was finishing breakfast.” I don’t mention her odd speech pattern.

“Good! I’m happy I did not wake you.” She digs into her bag. “Look what I got!” She continues to talk slowly like I’m a baby and it takes effort not to snap at her.

Pulling several books out of her bag, she hands them to me with a grin.

There are several on sign language, one on positive self-esteem, and three on coping with deafness.

“I told you I wanted you to slow down with this,” I grit out, handing the books back to her. “I don’t want to learn sign language and my self-esteem is fine. You need to back off.”

Hurt flashes on Sadie’s face and I feel like I just tore the wings off a butterfly.

“Look, I’m sorry. I’m still adjusting to this. I need time, okay?”

“Sure,” Sadie says stiffly, stuffing the books back into her tote bag. “I was only trying to help.”