Things with Mack are good. There are just little things that are puzzling. Like why he never wants to talk on the phone and prefers to text. Or how sometimes he’ll mutter and then his volume will go up without cause.
He’s such an attentive and sweet guy, but then he’ll ignore my questions or comments. Not always, just occasionally.
It’s like he’s two different men at the same time. My sweet, tender boyfriend and some inconsiderate guy that annoys me.
This yo-yoing is doing my head in.
As much as I dread it, we need to talk. As in a serious talk, something I’m not the best at. I can talk about inconsequential things for hours on end and am happy to do so. When it comes to real life matters I clam up.
Later today Mack has work while I just finished up a fast six-hour shift. Our schedules don’t quite mesh up, but we’ve been able to sneak in time together most days and the days we can’t we text.
Today the plan is for him to come over for an hour or so and hang out before work. He doesn’t know that it’s going to be anything but relaxing as I’m going to voice all my concerns and try to figure out what’s going on and where we go from here.
That this could be the end of us is devastating. I’ve never fallen so fast or so hard for a guy before. Yes, I was engaged whenI was twenty. Like I told Mack, it was a mistake. Just a foolish infatuation and good sex that I mistook for more. We had zero in common and frankly, I don’t think either of us really liked the other as a person.
That’s not the case with Mack. I like who he is, and the amazing sex is just a bonus. I never thought I would think like that, and yet here I am.
I fly around my apartment straightening up and cleaning in an effort to work out my nervous energy. My place is tiny, so there’s only so much that can be done. Mostly it’s me shifting things around and wishing I had more storage space.
When a knock comes at the door, I freeze in place with a bright orange throw pillow dangling from my fingers.
Is it too late for me to pretend I’m not home? I’m so scared that I’m not going to like the answers I get. If he even answers me. He might get pissed and walk out.
I toss the pillow.
No way. That’s not Mack at all. That may be what other guys have done before when confronted with issues. I can’t see Mack doing that, though. He’s even said he doesn’t want to jeopardize our relationship. Plus, he’s too nice of a guy that I have a hard time imagining him actually getting worked up enough to storm out of anywhere.
That thought settles me and gives me the courage to open the door.
Mack is standing there on the threshold looking handsome and irresistible in his usual faded jeans and a long-sleeved dark blue Henley. The man could make anything look good. His eyes sparkle and his smile pulls me in like a magnet.
I’m in his arms, lifting my face for his kiss before he’s even completely inside.
With a deep chuckle that curls my toes, Mack’s strong arms wrap around me as his lips claim mine in a kiss that makes meforget all my worries. In his arms only the two of us matter and the feelings he evokes within me.
All too soon he pulls away. “Hey beautiful,” he says. “A man could get used to that kind of hello.”
How could a man that says such sweet things be keeping something from me? It doesn’t make sense.
It’s too cliché to say we need to talk. Instead, I lead him by the hand over to the couch. It’s nowhere near as comfortable as his couch is, but I don’t have anywhere else for us to sit together except my bed and if I get him on my bed talking will be the last thing on my mind.
Mack reaches over rubbing his thumb between my eyebrows. “Something bothering you?”
My face is too expressive! I can’t keep anything from anyone, least of all him.
He drops his hand from my face. I clutch at it, desperately needing his warmth and strength to get through this.
“Mack, I like you so much, but something is going on. You’re not acting the same.” I rush on before he can deny it. “Please, I’m not stupid. Just be honest with me.”
His free hand scrubs at his face, his expression weary as he stares at me. “I didn’t know it was that obvious.” Heaving a sigh, he tries to smile, but it ends up being more of a grimace. “It’s never been my intention to hurt you.”
Fear seizes my heart, squeezing it so hard I can barely breathe past the pain. “You’re seeing someone else,” I whisper, feeling completely broken. I had actually started to believe in the magic of the matchmakers. Silly Sadie. I should know better.
“No!” he shouts, shaking his head and grabbing my hands between his like he’s afraid I’m going to leave.