All the ladies in the group are widows or have never been married. And while the idea of romance for their younger family members has been fun, many are yearning for another chance at love for themselves.

Not to replace the memories of their departed husbands, because that would never happen, but more for another chance to experience the warm comfort that comes from spending time with someone you care about. They may be in their so-called twilight years, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve stopped living. Seeing Charlotte experience a blooming romance is akin to the pleasure that comes from champagne bubbles tickling your nose. You can’t help but smile.

And so the nine matchmakers smile and tease Charlotte for a while. Just as Margot is relaxing and thinking that everyone has forgotten all about Sadie and Mack, Sandra brings everyone back around to the main reason for their afternoon meeting.

“Keep us updated, Charlotte,” Sandra says with a cheeky grin. “Agnes, did you want to officially start the meeting now?”

Agnes rises to her feet once again. “I suppose we ought to.” She turns her attention to Margot. “Have the two been on a date yet?”

Swallowing hard, Margot licks her lips and falls back on the motto that served her well during her many years of teaching. Never let them scent your fear.

“Actually they haven’t.”

Stunned silence greets that. Margot pushes on. “I don’t have either Sadie or Mack’s numbers. I’m relying on my granddaughter Yvonne to do the actual setting up and, well, she’s been on vacation for the past ten days.”

“Oh,” Agnes says, wishing once again for her trusty papers to give her hands something to do. With this being an informal set-up they didn’t bother gathering data on the soon-to-be couple.

Linda deflates. She was so looking forward to another happy couple.

Her friends’ disappointment is plain, and Margot hates to be the one to cause it, even if it was outside of her control. “Yvonne and Henry should be back tomorrow, and I’ll get right on her to get the ball rolling with setting up Sadie and Mack.”

“Fair enough,” Agnes says. “And while you’re at it, get new pictures of Yvonne and Henry.”

“Yes!” Linda’s squeal draws wide-eyed gazes her way. Her shoulders inch up around her fiery red cheeks. “What? I love seeing my great-nephew happy. You ladies have no idea what a real witch his ex-wife was.”

Linda shudders just remembering that detestable woman and her ill-mannered kids. Holidays with them were brutal. Thankfully, this year will be much different and maybe even an engagement will be announced. She sighs blissfully.

The worry eases out of Margot at everyone’s acceptance of the delay and she manages to smile. “Absolutely. Next meeting I should have plenty to report.”

Clapping her hands Elliot sets off the fierce clanging of the charms on the multitude of bracelets she wears. Her grandson Reed and his fiancée Winnie gifted her a new one recently and it adds to the noise. “Excellent,” she declares with satisfaction.

Agnes nods. “I think we can declare this meeting over. Unless anyone has anything else they want to add.” Looking around shesees nobody raising their hand and gives another nod. “Nope. Okay, until next week ladies.”

Everyone is standing and getting ready to leave when Agnes suddenly calls out. “Oh! But please take more chocolates. Seth is coming tomorrow and he always brings a new box for me.”

Charlotte laughs. Her granddaughter Ember is dating Seth, and she knows all about those fancy pink boxes of chocolates that Seth enjoys bringing to his beloved grandmother.

Dutifully, she takes a piece of chocolate, as do several of the other ladies, and soon the box is empty.

Agnes breathes a sigh of relief as she tosses the empty box into the trash. She adores her grandson and would never want to hurt his feelings, but she simply cannot eat all the candy that he brings.

Satisfied that none went to waste, she can now head back to her room with a clear conscience and can look forward to the visit from her favorite grandchild. Not that she would admit that to anyone, it’s her little secret.

Just like Sadie will never find out that the matchmakers didn’t officially set her up with Mack.



“Have you talked with your grandmom yet?” I ask my bestie seated at the table next to me. I’m so excited I’m squirming in my seat. The nail tech gives an exasperated huff and tugs at my hand.

“Sorry,” I apologize and try to hold still so she can finish putting the bright green polish on. I love this color so much, but I’m far more excited over the prospect of Yvonne’s grandmother, the matchmaker, getting me hooked up with the perfect man.

I’m twenty-eight and have had more than my fair share of losers in my life, so I’m more than ready to finally meet the man of my dreams.

The tiniest kernel of doubt wiggles restlessly in my head. I thought I met the perfect guy two years ago. Handsome, sweet, and utterly dreamy, but like always, I was wrong.

“Are you seriously pouting?” Yvonne asks, breaking into my thoughts.