At his house, he introduces me to Charlie, who is even cuter than his pictures. The big cat takes possession of my lap as I sit on the couch and wait for Mack to take a fast shower and change. I almost offered to scrub his back, but we were both hungry and he asked me if I could call in an order for Chinese while he showered.
Looking around Mack’s living room while I stroke Charlie’s soft white and black fur, I can’t help comparing his place to my apartment. There really is no comparison. This is a nice home while I live in a cramped little apartment that I don’t clean nearly often enough.
Going further down a rabbit hole I shouldn’t, I think about the fact that Mack has a good career that he loves.
Unlike me.
And that he no doubt has all aspects of his life together while I’m woefully flying through life by the seat of my pants and more often than not getting my butt burned.
I really don’t bring much to this relationship.
Snapping my head upright, I give myself a shake that sends poor Charlie jumping off my lap in a panic. I’m bringing myself, and that’s what matters. I can make him happy. Plus, the matchmakers set us up so we’re meant to be together.
I don’t know if I’m trying to convince myself or what. Whatever it is, it works marginally well.
Mack’s smile when he comes into the living room and sees me works far better at pushing my doubts aside.
“Get the order in?” he asks, sitting down on the couch beside me.
I’ve been noticing that he has a habit of talking louder than necessary at times, and I wonder if that’s from needing to speak over the noise of the tattoo gun. It’s not a huge deal, just a little startling when I’m not expecting it.
“Yeah, should be here any minute.”
“Then I guess we have time for this,” he says, cupping my chin and lowering his mouth to mine.
His lips move gently over mine at first before becoming bolder as I kiss him back.
Soon I’m in his lap with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hand cupping my breast as his thumb swirls around my nipple.
The doorbell rings, drawing a regretful sigh from him and a needy whine from me. I untangle my arms from his neck and slide off his lap. Mack heads for the door while I trail behind him. I should probably offer to go halves on the food.
In the kitchen, Mack unpacks the brown delivery bag as I dig in my purse for my wallet.
“Everything okay?” he asks, pausing with a white carton that looks tiny in his big hand.
“Oh, yeah, just getting my share of the bill.” I hesitate after grabbing a twenty and then get a ten out as well. We did order a lot of food.
Mack waves that away. “This is a date and I’m paying.”
Feeling stubborn, I slap the money down on the granite countertop. “I’m the one who suggested dinner. I should at least pay half.”
Setting the container down, Mack comes around the counter and wraps his arms around me. “Sadie, when you’re with me, you pay for nothing. I want to take care of you.” He lowers his face and runs his nose along my jaw up to my ear, his breath warm on my skin. “In all ways.”
My core tightens up at that, as do my nipples.
A tiny part of me wants to protest. I’m twenty-eight, I can take care of myself. It’s something I’ve been doing since I moved out of my parents’ house at nineteen.
The bigger part of me positively melts at his words. The idea of being cared for and adored is very appealing. To be cherished and loved is something I’ve longed for and why I envy Yvonne’s relationship with Henry.
Turning my head, I capture his lips in a kiss, my tongue darting between his parted lips to stroke along his. Big, warm hands cup my face, the fingers slipping into the hair on either side of my ears. Our mouths move slowly and tenderly as the kiss stays sweet instead of dipping into lustful territory.
He breaks the kiss first, his eyes locking on my face and filled with swirling emotions. In them I see that he’s serious in his desire to care for me along with something else, something much more intense. Mack’s eyelashes lower, concealing his expressive eyes from me before I can put a name to the emotion in his gaze.
“Grab a plate and dig in. Chinese is never the same once it gets cold.”
A very good point.
We carry our loaded plates into the living room and camp out on the floor in front of the couch. Mack doesn’t trust himself not to make a mess of his furniture and considering all the food on our plates, I don’t trust myself either.