The cabin thankfully has running water and a toilet that isn’t an outhouse. As I take care of nature and clean myself up, I’m regretting the lack of underwear because the crotch of my jeans is completely soaked. I really don’t want to put them back on but lacking anything else to wear I don’t have much choice.
I must look pretty miserable when I exit the bathroom because Mack shoots up off the small couch and is at my side in an instant. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
His concern is sweet. As is the way he tenderly cups my face and the worry in his eyes.
Covering his hands with mine, I smile. “I’m fine. Just a little unhappy over my jeans.”
Puzzlement fills his face. I shouldn’t be embarrassed. This man was just inside me after all, but it feels weird admitting that my jeans are drenched from how wet he got me.
Mack cocks his head and silently regards me. “I have a pair of sweatpants in the truck if you need them,” he offers.
The sweats are too long and too big even with me pulling the drawstring as tight as I can, but they are clean and dry and that’s all that matters to me right now.
That and being here with Mack.
We’re side by side on the blanket, stretched out and gazing up at the sky, with her fingers entwined.
For as long as I live I will never forget this. Everything feels magical and so intensely right.
Slowly, I turn my head to gaze at his profile. I admire the slope of his nose, the thrust of his lips, and the way his beardcovers his firm jaw. Warmth and affection surge within me and, like always, the words need to come out.
“I like you, Mack.”
His head rotates to face me, and he smiles. The light in his eyes is almost as bright as the stars shining above and everything I want to say comes rushing out. “I mean, I really like you.”
Mack’s fingers squeeze mine as he rolls to his side and props his head up on his other hand. “I really like you too, Sadie.”
“I know you wanted to take things slow-”
Laughter bursts out of him. Lines fan out from his eyes as he laughs, and I’m reminded that he’s older than me. At this point it doesn’t matter, but will it someday?
Henry is much older than Yvonne and it doesn’t bother her. I’m hopeful it will be the same for Mack and me. Though I suppose only time will tell.
“I think it’s a little late for slow,” Mack says when his laughter subsides.
“Good. I was hoping maybe we could have dinner together tomorrow.”
His eyebrows slowly go up and I rush on. “Unless you have work or are busy with something else more important.”
“Sadie, nothing is more important than you.”
Swallowing hard, I feel the pounding of my heart and try to breathe through the emotions bombarding me at his words.
His smile dims slightly. “I do have work tomorrow. I don’t remember how long I’m booked for. It might be a late night.”
“I’m fine with a late night,” I assure him. “Some nights I close at the restaurant and don’t get home until after eleven.”
“It’s a date then,” he says softly, leaning closer and pressing his lips to mine.
Mack finishes with his last client at eight and is able to get out of work early. He insists on picking me up, which is oddly sweet and something I’m not altogether used to.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve dated nice guys before. It’s that most of them were nice to a degree and then they stopped putting in the effort. With Mack it doesn’t seem like this is effort. This feels like a natural part of who he is.