“I have plans for him,” he simply says.

“What plans?”

“I’ll tell you when it’s time.”

It’s all bullshit. He just wants Adriano back. I want to ask him why he hates me so much, but I know he’d only laugh at me. He wants Adriano to defeat me in the end. What does that bastard have that I don’t?

“Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?” my father asks.


“You’ve done well.” His mouth twitches. “Take a week or two off. Have some fun. And remember, stay away from Adriano.”

Done well? Those words would’ve made me so happy and proud of myself once, but now I know he doesn’t mean that. He’s only saying it to appease me because he thinks I’m stupid enough to fall for it yet again. I should kill him right here and now, even if it’s the last thing I do. But I want him to witness Adriano’s downfall first.

“Thank you, Father.” If he’s taught me one thing, it’s how to lie to his face.

He briefly dips his head. I’m dismissed. Great. It’s what I want anyway. I know exactly where Adriano is, and I know how to exploit his weakness. He and his men will never see me coming. I’ll make him suffer first, and I’ll take everything from him.

I don’t need my inheritance. I’ll just take over Adriano’s business and his territory. And then I’ll come back for my father and take what’s rightfully mine.

They won’t be able to stop me.

They can have each other in hell.

My father will probably send someone to follow me, but I’ll get rid of them. My double will have fun partying somewherewhile I enact my plan. All I want is to see my father’s face when he realizes he should’ve picked me.



“I shouldn’t have letyou choose the movie.” I grimace as I look away from the TV screen.

“Why? Are you scared? Come closer.” Adriano pats the bed next to him.

I’ve never been a fan of horror movies, but Adriano wanted to watch one, so I figured I’d survive. I was wrong, but I want to know how it ends anyway.

“We’re watching a romantic comedy next, just so you know.” I wave my finger at him as I climb on the bed.

“I’m already terrified.” He grins, then wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

“Are you sure you’re not in pain like this?” I look up at him.

“No. It’s fine.” He gives me a small smile.

I lower my head onto his chest and focus on the screen. It’s really better like this. In his warm embrace, I’m not afraid of anything. I don’t worry the monster will jump out of the screen and come for me. All the tension just seeps out of my shoulders. When I glance at Adriano, he looks peaceful too. It’s nice.

His eyes catch mine, and I want to look away, but I don’t. We just stare at each other for a long moment. His gaze lowers to my mouth, and I bite down on my lip. Does he want to kiss me?Because the air is crackling with energy, and I don’t know if I can resist the pull.

Still, I take a shaky, deep breath and focus my gaze on the screen.

“I don’t like horror movies.” I groan after the movie finishes with an ambiguous ending.

“There’s part two.”

“Of course there is,” I mutter.

But I don’t want to move. I just want to stay like this for a few moments longer. Too bad I really have to pee. Why do normal bodily functions always ruin the best moments? So rude.