“It won’t be.”

“How are you so sure he won’t hurt you?”

Because he killed for me, but I can’t tell my mom that without explaining everything I’ve been hiding about Filippo, and I really don’t want to talk about that right now. Maybe one day.

“He threw himself in front of me to protect me, and he knew full well he could die. I’ll be fine. I promise.” I hope she can understand.

She closes her eyes for a moment and sighs. “All right. But please think things through very carefully and take care of yourself. If you need anything, call us. We can use a code word and come here to get you. We can talk to the cops and—”

“Okay. But don’t tell anyone anything.”

She bobs her head and hugs me again. “Oh, honey. I don’t know how I’m going to survive this.”

“It’ll be fine, Mom.” I hope I’m not wrong about that.

Once my parents are gone,I head for the master bedroom. It was easier to put everything there than in any other room. Adriano has everything he needs there.

A grunt coming from the room makes me frown, and I burst through the door. Adriano holds his arm over his chest as he sits on the edge of the bed.

“What do you need?” I ask. “You shouldn’t be trying to get up on your own.”

“I’m fine.” He grits his teeth, which means that he’s lying.

“Adriano, just lie back down. I’ll get whatever you need.” I place my hand on his shoulder.

His brow furrows as his gaze meets mine. “Why? We agreed I’d stay here, not that you have to do anything else for me.”

“Maybe I just don’t want you to fall and bleed all over the carpet.” I cross my arms. “If you need help to get to the bathroom, I’ll call Rocco. He’s somewhere in the living room.”

“No. I only need a new water bottle. Mine’s empty.” He glances at the nightstand and the empty bottle.

“Okay. I’ll get it for you.” I look over my shoulder. A pack of new bottles is on the desk, so I go grab one.

“Thanks,” he says when I hand it to him, but he’s still staring at me with suspicion.

“What? You’re not used to being helpless, is that it?”

“Yeah. But no one’s help comes for free. What else do you want?” His eyes narrow at me.

“Doesn’t Rocco help you all the time? I thought he was your friend.” Or at least I noticed Adriano trusts him more than anyone else.

He nods. “But he’s getting paid for it. All of it. He’ll get a nice bonus for this too.”

“And you think no one would be willing to help you without expecting something in return?”

He opens the bottle. “Exactly. So stop pretending and tell me what it is, because if you don’t, I won’t give it to you. If we’re going to strike another deal, I need to know the terms. You’re already getting this house, the restaurant, and your freedom. That leaves only one thing I can think of.” He takes a few sips. “Money. How much do you want?”

I just stare at him because I don’t know what to say. He sees something as simple as passing him a water bottle as a billable transaction.

“Can your help include some extras?” He grins. “How much for a hand job?”

I scowl. “You know what? Fuck this shit. I’m going to pretend it’s the meds talking, and I’ll come back later. Try not to tear your stitches. And I don’t want your money.”

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. I’ve surprised myself a bit too by saying those words, but I’m not his prisoner and I’m just done.

“Are you okay?” he asks as I storm to the door.

I stop, taking a deep breath, and turn around to face him.