And whatever game Gennaro is playing, I don’t care. I’m going to beat him at it. Whether they like it or not, they’ve turned me into a true Gaviani, and I won’t mind if I remain the only one.

I pull out my phone and glance at the screen. There haven’t been any alerts about Sunset recently, but it’s for the best. Maybe she’ll be at the club tomorrow night. That would be perfect because I’ll be celebrating my win. And what better way to celebrate than with her sweet body under mine?



I takea look around the restaurant and turn off the lights. It’s late, but everything is in its place. After locking the door, I race to the house. It took me longer to lock up than it should have, so I have to take a shower and get ready for bed as quickly as possible.

If I’m lucky, I’ll get maybe four hours of sleep before I have to get up again and open the restaurant. My dad said I could give the key to one of the waiters instead, but I was convinced I’d have enough time to do it myself before going to my morning classes.

I was clearly wrong because I haven’t realized how many things have to be done before closing since my dad usually does most of it. Cleaning up took longer than usual too because someone spilled wine all over the floor, and yeah, I stupidly refused help.

It’s all good practice, though. One day, the restaurant will be mine, and I’ll have to know how to run it on my own. My dad has spent many late hours there, and so will I.

I reach for the door handle and freeze. Why is the front door of the house cracked open? I glance at the key in my hand. Have I opened it without realizing it? It’s too dark to see. I always openthe door almost automatically and most of the time I don’t even remember doing it.

Why does this time feel different? Like I haven’t unlocked it and pushed it open myself? I frown. No one else could’ve opened the door but me. I’m just tired and sleepy. My brain simply can’t keep up with it all anymore.

This is a safe neighborhood. We haven’t had a robbery in this area in, like, forever. My dad accidentally left the restaurant unlocked one night and absolutely nothing happened. Our neighbor doesn’t even lock his front door because there’s no need.

Still, I listen carefully for any noise coming from inside the house. Nothing. Only silence. I push the door wide open and step inside. It must’ve been me who unlocked the door. There’s no one else in—

Someone grabs me from behind and clamps a hand over my mouth before I can scream. I thrash and kick, but I can’t get free. Something crashes against the floor, probably a vase. I catch a glimpse of a shadow standing in the living room.

There are more of them! More of my attackers! I want to scream for help, but I can’t. My heart pounds so loudly in my chest I can barely focus. My brain is in overdrive, and my head is spinning. No!

The lights come on, blinding me. The hand vanishes from my mouth. Someone traps my wrists behind my back in a tight grip. I’m about to try to break into a run when I realize I’m surrounded.

The living room is full of armed, masked men. I gasp for breath, my whole body shaking in terror. There’s one guy who’s not dressed like the others and he’s not holding a weapon pointed at me. Instead, he’s looking away from all of us, probably taking a peek through the window.

He turns around.

“You,” he says, his widening for a moment before a smile spreads across his lips.

My breath catches. It’s Blue. It’s him. Oh hell. It’s him! What does he want from me? Why is he here? Who is he?

“You’re Chiara Paradossi?” he asks, strolling toward me.

Is that a trick question? Isn’t he here for me? I made another huge mistake. I thought I was finally safe, but yet again, I chose wrong. What is it with me and falling for the wrong guys every single damn time?

Tears well up in my eyes. Blue is worse than Filippo. At least Filippo didn’t have an army with him. I should’ve never gone to that club. I should’ve never gone anywhere with Blue. How could I have been so stupid yet again?

Men can’t be trusted.


“Where’s your father?” He reaches out toward my face, and I turn my head away from him.


“I have some unfinished business with him.”

I don’t understand what he’s saying. “My parents aren’t here. Leave them out of this. Whatever it is that you want...”

I’d never let anything happen to my mom and dad because of me. And there’s no way my dad would be in business with a guy like Blue, or anyone who goes around with armed men.

“Then why don’t you call them and tell them to get here?”