She strokes my cock and then wraps her mouth around it. I push my hips, shoving myself as deep as I can go. Her tongue glides over—

A creak somewhere cuts through the dream. I open my eyes, cursing my training and skills that make me wake up at the slightest noise. It’s probably nothing. If someone had gotten through all the security and guards, there would be way more noise and the alarms would be blaring.

But there’s another creak. And another. Someone’s here. In the hallway. I slowly lift myself up, hiding behind the sofa, and get out my gun.

I pad through the darkness, keeping close to the wall. When I take a peek into the hallway, I spot a shadow entering my bedroom. What the fuck? I press the emergency button on my phone as I go after the intruder.

“Don’t be afraid,” the man whispers to Chiara loud enough for me to hear him. “I’m here to help you. Don’t make a sound.”

I recognize his voice. He’s one of my guards. Domenico. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? I could kill him. He doesn’t even realize I’m standing right behind him. But if I put a bullet in him, then I won’t find out why he’s here.

Is it just for Chiara? Is he actually a twisted and sick fuck who wants to trick Chiara into thinking he’s a good guy and do who knows what to her? Or is he a mole? Working for someone else? Did someone bribe him? Threaten him? Everyone near me is carefully vetted. Did he slip through the cracks or did something else happen to change where his loyalties lie?

I should’ve left the drapes over the windows. Another mistake. Now there’s enough light coming from outside, so I can see Chiara’s eyes when they look at me. Domenico sees it too. Fuck.

He spins around, lunging at me. I jump aside, slamming my hand against the light switch. The lights come on, and I punchDomenico while he’s disoriented. This is my bedroom, and he’s never been in here before.

I grab the lamp off the nightstand and slam it against his head. Rocco and my men burst into the room. They easily overpower Domenico.

“Take him to the basement,” I say.

“You’re not a real Gaviani!” Domenico shouts at the top of his lungs while he’s being dragged away.

I should put a bullet in him just for saying that, but that might be exactly what he wants. I need information, and he won’t be able to give it to me if he’s dead.

Once everyone’s gone, it’s just Chiara and me. She’s watching me carefully, but her face is expressionless. What does she think about all this? Domenico didn’t manage to get close enough to her, which is good.

I turn off the lights and find the key so I can lock the door. No one else is getting into this room. No one. I’ll have to be quick too because I don’t want to leave Chiara on her own for too long.

I don’t even know which ones of my men I can trust, but I’ll lock the apartment and turn on all the security measures that I don’t normally use. I should’ve done it before, but it seemed like overkill.

I didn’t think anything would change with Chiara’s presence here, but I was wrong. If Domenico’s a mole, why try something now? Why go for Chiara? I’m going to beat the answers out of him.

Domenico’sleft eye is swollen shut, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. And yet, he just keeps glaring at me.

“Who do you work for? Gennaro? Matteo?” I ask. “Come on, you’ve been with me for years. You know what I do to people who refuse to talk and won’t give me what I want.”

He’s been with me when I cut off a guy’s fingers one by one. Why would he want to die like that just for Gennaro and Matteo? He’s not related to them, so he shouldn’t care who’s a real Gaviani and who’s not. I would’ve known if he was. It doesn’t make any sense.

No one is that loyal for no good reason. I’m not threatening his family because he doesn’t have any. It’s unlikely he could’ve gotten attached or gotten something super valuable from Gennaro or Matteo. Unless Matteo made him believe he was his friend, but how could he have pretended all this time? Why not just attack me or kill me when he had a chance?

“I won’t tell you anything,” Domenico spits out.

I take a knife from the table in the corner of the room and wave it in front of his face. “Do you want to bleed for them? What did you want to do with Chiara?”

He clenches his jaw.

“Is someone threatening someone you care about?” Maybe Domenico has fallen in love, and we don’t know anything about it.

Maybe there’s someone he’s willing to die to protect, and that’s why he’s talking nonsense.

“You’re a fraud. You’re not a Gaviani,” he says, staring into my eyes.

“And what is that to you? Why do you give a fuck? You’re not a Gaviani either.”

“No one would support someone like you. They’re all pretending. All of them. Even your dear Rocco.”

I cock my head at him. What the fuck is he talking about? Is he trying to convince me that everyone around me is a traitor?