Page 106 of Forbidden Deception

“You probably won’t want to see me or talk to me ever again, and I understand. All I want to say is that I am sorry. I panicked, and I couldn’t choose between Rafael and my brother, so I left. I ran away. I couldn’t do it. I guess I deserve it for betraying you two. Know that I am forever sorry. You are the one friend who reached out, the one who made everything in that cursed city a little more bearable for me.” My head drops down, and I shut my eyes once more.

“I am sorry, and I love you, Danyi.” I hang up and drop my phone to the floor.

Digging the heels of my palms into my eyes, I don’t dare to open them. I don’t dare to even give myself the option to pick my phone up and apologise a thousand times, over and over.

Instead, I decide to head downstairs. Maybe Rafael blocked me, maybe Danyi did, too, after reading my letter.

I have caused this, so I shouldn’t be the one sulking or feeling any heartbreak.

“Isn’t this…” Aurora trails off, holding her phone towards Remo.

I catch her look at me for a second, and I know exactly who she is showing Remo.

“Funny how this is the first time the media sees his face…”

I grab the phone out of her hand and look at the article.

There are pictures of Rafael in London at a party for Vance Hartley, the top upcoming Prime Minister candidate, leader of the conservative party.

Rafael’s exiting the hall, and a woman is by his side. She’s smiling up at him.

My heart crashes and burns into flames.

He… Did he move on?

My phone slips out of my hand and drops to the floor. Though my eyes are still stuck on my phone lying upside down on the floor, the image of that woman and Rafael leaving the party together is imprinted in my mind. It’s everywhere. I couldn’t even read the headlines, but I don’t think I want to anymore.

I know exactly what they will say.

It will break me all over again.

I glance up at Remo and Aurora to find them watching me carefully.

“He’s not coming for me or will let me fight for him, will he?” I smile sadly at them. “He’s… I lost him, didn’t I?”

Aurora reaches for me, but Remo stops her, his eyes hard. “She’s Mikko’s wife’s sister,” he says, but it doesn’t make it any better.

“Then they’ve probably known each other for far longer than he and I ever did.” I let out an empty laugh.

My knees weaken when the flashes of that image continue to run through my mind. I almost drop to the ground, but Remo is quick and has me in his arms before I can hit the floor.

I can’t breathe. My chest restricts, and I gasp.

“Remo, it hurts,” I hoarsely whisper. Tears coat my eyes. “It really, really hurts, but I have myself to blame, don’t I?” I grab his hand, wanting some kind of comfort, but nothing helps.

“I can’t do this. Help me. Please help me, Remo,” I beg, looking at Aurora, who walks over with worry filling her eyes. “Make it stop, Aurora. It hurts too much,” I punch at my heart, the stupid organ killing me slowly.

“It hurts. Please,” I beg, sobs breaking out.

Remo wraps his arms around my shoulders, his hold tight. “I’m sorry, Venezia. It’s my fault. I should have told you no.”

“No, Remo. We didn’t know it would be like this,” Aurora counters him, but I can barely make out words properly.

“I need to fix this. If he truly wants you, he will get a chance. I’ll… give him one. For you.” I hear Remo hesitate, but his words make me freeze. “I’ll take you to a party. You can watch him from afar, decide whether you want to talk to him or not, see if you want to ask for forgiveness or move on. I’ll leave the choice in your hands.”

I look into his eyes to see if he is serious, and I don’t detect any lies.

“You won’t keep going with this mission? What about your files? Your revenge?”