Page 74 of Full Throttle 2

“Oh yeah,” Ben said with a laugh. “Agreed. We’re kicking ass tomorrow.”

Although Colby was trying to play it cool, she was melting underneath Liam’s gaze. He hadn’t taken his heated stare away from her since the moment their eyes met. Nervously, she laughed. “No doubt about it.”

Although Colby was caught in her whirlwind with Liam, she didn’t miss the fact that Gonzo and Abby had arrived together and were seemingly awfully familiar with each other. Colby noticed when Gonzo placed his hand at the small of Abby’s back. It was subtle but a very intimate gesture. Colby hoped she wasn’t reading too much into it, but it would be nice to see Gonzo paired up with someone, especially since he had taken his breakup with Bree really hard.

When Abby turned her head, Colby mouthed to Gonzo,What’s up with this?

He winked, mouthing back,We’ll talk later.

A hush fell over the room. Colby’s back was turned away from whatever caused the surprised looks on everyone’s faces. She turned to see what they were all looking at.

Her smile froze.

It was her father, looking as handsome as she’d ever seen. He’d escorted Aunt Faye into the room, and of course, she looked like a million bucks, but another woman stood on the other side of him.

It was her.There was no doubt about it.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Colby had never seen her father look so nervous. Her Aunt kissed Cyrus on the cheek. She stood on tiptoe and whispered into his ear, “You’ve got this.”

It was surreal to see him with another woman, but it was time. Colby made the first move and walked over to them. Her smile widened as she extended her hand. “I wondered when my dad would finally introduce us.”

Cyrus visibly relaxed. “Colby, this is Robyn girlfriend. Robyn, this is my daughter.”

Robyn’s smile brightened at Cyrus for putting a title on their relationship. She vigorously shook Colby’s hand. It was clear Robyn was nervous too. “We both wanted to make sure it was the right time, but I’m glad it’s finally happening.”

“My dad’s been beaming lately, and now I know why. So, thank you for putting that smile back on his face.”

Cyrus tipped his head over to Liam, who had quietly come to stand next to Colby. He pulled Liam in for a hug. “Good to see you here tonight.”

“I know I’m not officially a part of the Lockwood Racing family, but no matter what, I’ll always be here to support.”

Lila leaned over to Brian. “Is this part of the surprise? Did you know Uncle Cyrus was bringing a date?”

“None of this has my imprint on it. I had no idea Cyrus was bringing anyone, but it’s a welcomed surprise.”

Patiently, Liam stood by, waiting for his opportunity to talk to Colby alone. She chatted with Robyn and her father for a while. Then the room started to fill up with more people from Lockwood Racing, and she was pulled into many different conversations. Colby was truly the belle of the ball.

Liam would wait. He’d wait forever if he had to.

Lila was antsy, glancing back toward the entrance. She hoped Carrington wouldn’t show.

When Lila and Colby had a moment together, she whispered softly, “You’re beaming. Would it have anything to do with Liam?”

“I’m beaming?”

“You know you are. Have you two had a chance to talk?” Lila asked.

Colby nibbled her lower lip. “We exchanged hellos, but we haven’t really talked all night. I’m not sure what to even say to him.”

Lila giggled. “Girl...the heat between the two of you is doing enough talking. We all know what y’all are trying to communicate. Why fight it?”

“I’m not fighting anything.” Colby laughed. “God, he does look so good, but our relationship is non-existent at the moment.”

“The way Liam’s eyes have been following you all night, I say just have sex already. You can figure out the relationship stuff later.”

“Enough about me and Liam. What about you and Brian? You two look happy.”