“Why would you say that?”
Lila shrugged her shoulders. “Because I stopped you from living your best life. If you didn’t have to take care of me, who knows what might have been? Maybe you would have even found the love of your life and wouldn’t need so many adventures.”
Faye had never thought about how her actions might have affected Lila. She sighed. “You didn’t stop me from living my best life. I’ve just made some shitty choices, and as they say, the chickens have come home to roost.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying...unlike me, I want more for you. I want you to find that special someone and not have to beg, borrow, and steal to get the things you need and want.”
“What if I already think I have the best?”
Faye looked thoughtful. “Of course, you do because you have the currency of youth. But, baby girl, that runs out. What are you going to do then?”
Carrington’s face flashed before her. “I’m going to make something of my life so that when that time comes, I won’t be beholden to a man.”
“That’s a lofty goal and sometimes easier said than done.”
“Maybe, but I want to try.”
Faye wondered what would have happened if she had made different choices. When she spoke again, her tone was wistful. “I’ve always loved clothes.”
Lila smiled. “My mom the fashion designer.” She caught her word choice before she said it. Calling her mother, Mom, instead of Faye sounded strange, but it had rolled off the tongue.
Faye acknowledged it. “That was weird but kind of nice.”
They laughed.
Lila agreed. “It was.”
As their laughter died down, Faye turned serious. “I’m sorry for not being a better mother to you.”
Lila shrugged. “Water under the bridge. Nothing we can do about it now. Maybe we can start from here to be better toward one another and build a stronger relationship.”
“Don’t let me off the hook so easily.”
Lila smiled. “I won’t, but I’m tired of fighting with you. I’d prefer to get along, and I’m in a rush. I’ve got to go. Can we finish this conversation later?”
“In a rush to see Brian?” Faye asked.
“I’d like that. Maybe we can do dinner too. Just the two of us.”
“Make the reservation. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Your face is flushed.” Cheekily, Faye smiled. “If you’re going to see Brian, maybe I should make the reservation for tomorrow.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Brian had been lying awake for hours, his hands clasped behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He had a lot on his mind and couldn’t sleep. He should feel elated at the small victory of finding a sponsor. One that would give Lockwood a chance to line up for the next few races.
You know something isn’t right. It’s obvious and staring you in the face.The voice in his head was getting harder to ignore. Instinctively, Brian knew something was wrong but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Frustrated, he briefly closed his eyes while pinching the bridge of his nose.What am I missing?
Whatever it was, Brian had to figure it out. There was zero chance that he would let his team down and, more importantly, Lila. The strained look on her face flashed before him. Something had rattled her. While Brian wouldn’t push, he hoped she would trust him enough to talk to him about it.
Screw it.There was no point in staying in bed. Not when his mind was buzzing with activity. Brian sat up, grabbed his cell on the other side of the bed, and dialed his private investigator’s number. The phone only rang twice before his guy picked up.