Page 12 of Full Throttle 2

It made Lila angry just thinking about it. The lengths Colby went to and the hoops she jumped through after achieving so much success and still being considered less than was infuriating.

There wasn’t anybody Lila knew who could withstand that type of pressure. Colby had to be all things to everyone, and there wasn’t any room for mistakes. But watching her today, talking to the drivers of the future who would hopefully take the baton and run with it, gave Lila more of an appreciation of her heavy burden. Especially since all Colby wanted to do was drive.

Lila’s eyes followed the NASCAR handler as he walked over to the podium. The slight scowl on his face was an indication that he clearly didn’t like what her cousin had to say. He abruptly announced the conclusion of the workshop. That was Lila’s cue to make her way toward the front of the room.

Colby glanced up, and their eyes connected.

Colby held up a hand, extending her fingers, and mouthed,Five minutes. It was never five minutes. She would smile and sign autographs until the last person left the room. It would easily take another thirty. Lila knew that. She nodded and patiently took a seat in the front.

Her cell phone vibrated. When she pulled it out, a warm smile spread over her face at the name that popped up on the screen.

It was Brian. She had messaged him earlier, but he was just now getting back to her.

Lila: Dinner tonight?

Brian: Can’t. Will be later than usual. Raincheck?

This was par for the course since they reconnected after Colby’s first win. Lockwood Racing consumed so much of Brian’s time as he worked to establish himself and Lockwood as a premier team. Because of his hectic schedule, dating between them couldn’t be anything more than casual. Lila wasdisappointed but understood it wouldn’t be this way forever. Plus, it gave her time to focus on herself.

Lila typed into her phone.

Lila: Absolutely.

Brian: I really do want to see you.

Lila: Me too.

Brian: Feels like forever since I felt your body next to mine. Can you come over tonight?

Lila: (Laughing emoji) I was just with you last night. Miss you too but 2 nights in a row? Against the rules.

Brian: Your rules suck. Having a hard day.

Lila: Yeah?

Brian: Yeah.

Lila: Maybe I’ll make an exception. What time will you be home?

Brian: If I push, around eleven.

Lila: Hmm. I’ll let you know.

“You must be talking to Brian,” Colby said.

Lila didn’t even hear her walk up. She glanced at the time on her phone, and over thirty minutes had passed. “Why do you think I was talking to him?”

Subtly, Colby lifted a shoulder. “He’s the only one who makes you smile like that.”

It was true, but Lila wasn’t ready to admit it, even to herself. Instead, she changed the subject. “That was new up there.”


“The detailed level of honesty.”

Colby waved a hand as if she didn’t care a bit. “They caught me at the right time, I guess. Bad day.”

“Brian said the same thing. What’s going on?”