She rested her head on his chest a while longer, relishing the feeling of being in his arms. It was a place where she felt safe, and time stood still. It was as if it were just the two of them, even surrounded by a sea of people. Everyone else disappeared. It was a miraculous feat, considering where they were. After a few moments, a thought popped into her head—the memory of what happened earlier with Lucas.Dillyn stepped back, placed her hands on his chest, and then gently pushed.

His arms loosened, but Ben refused to let her go.

“Why was Lucas all over that woman?!”

Dillyn switched gears on him so fast it made his head spin. “What?”

“That woman? Wait . . .” Dillyn held up a single finger, “hold that thought. I’ve got to use the bathroom!” She ran off through the door.

Ben was tempted to follow her inside but figured he would hear if anything went down. Instead of being the overprotective boyfriend, he patiently stood outside and waited.

Dillyn wasn’t gone for too long. She walked out, drying her hands with a paper towel. She spoke as if there wasn’t a pause in their conversation. “When we walked in tonight, Lucas was all up in some woman’s face.”

Ben thought he would escape this conversation. Apparently, not, “Really? So we’re still on Lucas and that woman?”

“Yes,” Dillyn hadn’t forgotten. “Palmer is one of my best friends. If I can, it’s my job to get to the bottom of this.”

“No, actually, it’s not your job. None of this has anything to do with us, and to be fair to Lucas, that woman was in his face.”

Dillyn gave him her infamous head tilt, “C’mon Ben, he could have resisted. Palmer is really into him, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”

Once again, Ben pulled Dillyn close and gently kissed her lips.

She melted like a hot knife cutting through butter. After releasing her, he pressed his forehead against hers. It really was just the two of them. His tone softened, “Lucas is into Palmer too, but whatever they have going on is between them. It’s not our business.”

Dillyn ignored thenot our business part, “He has a funny way of showing it.”

“Maybe, but again, whatever their situationship is doesn’t have anything to do with us. We need to stay out of it. What’s going to be will be.”

“But she’s like my sister.”

“Heismy brother, and I don’t want to see him hurt either.”

Dillyn sighed, “Him? Lucas is the one with a reputation for having a different woman every week!”

“The only woman Lucas wants to spend time with is Palmer.”

“You say that, but it’s hard to believe when that woman was wrapped around him like an octopus.”

“Have you ever thought Palmer might be sending mixed messages? What was she doing on that bull? Lucas’s head was ready to explode.”

Dillyn giggled.

Ben was doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t do. He was getting drawn into his brother’s love life. “Nope. Don’t answer that. We are not discussing them. We have our own shit to deal with and shouldn’t be adding theirs to ours.”

He had a point. Dillyn would always stick up for Palmer, and Ben would always stick up for Lucas. “So, we stay out of it?”

“Yep. We stay clear out of it. Don’t you think we have enough on our plates?”

Dillyn set herself up for his next question.

“Have you told Palmer and Cat about the baby?”

Nervously, Dillyn nibbled on her lower lip. “Not yet.”

“Why not?”

She shifted in her heels, which were starting to hurt. Theywerecute, though. “I’m just looking for the right time. I don’t want them thinking they started this new venture only for me to abandon them.”