Cat cupped her hands around her mouth and screamed, “Go, girl! Yee-haw!”
The crowd surrounding Frank’s new attraction was already large, but when folks saw Palmer, it grew even more.
Lucas’s face was flushed. He stood rigid with his arms folded across his chest, watching men he had known since childhood lusting over the woman he wanted to make his. He hated every second Palmer was on the damn thing.
“Keep your cool, lil bro,” Wyatt advised.
Three seconds in, and the bull still had not increased its speed. It was moving much slower than the other person who had ridden it just before Palmer.
She glanced at the operator, wondering if it was broken, only for him to give her a wink and the thumbs-up sign.
Lucas saw their entire exchange and was ready to blow a gasket.
Palmer rolled her hips while straddling the mechanical beast just like she had ridden him during several rounds of passionate sex.
He seemed to be recalling the same memories. Lucas had not only seen Palmer move like that but also experienced it first-hand when she straddled him, squeezed her knees around his hips, and ridden him hard. No other woman had ever made him feel the way she had. Not even close.
Lucas was getting hot under the collar just thinking about it and had to tug at the neck of his shirt to loosen it up.
Three seconds left.Finally, the operator increased the speed of the bull. Not by much, but enough for Palmer to continue the theatrics. It twisted and turned as she angled her hips in the opposite direction and lifted her butt up and down. Palmer would have given a porn star a run for her money.
The timer buzzed, and Palmer received a huge applause. She remained seated until the bull came to a complete stop. That ride lasted much longer than eight seconds. Her face was flushed, but she was beaming as she hopped down, “Oh, my god! That was so damn fun!”
Nothing Ben or Wyatt could do to keep Lucas from making an ass out of himself. So, they did nothing as he went stomping up to Palmer and got in her face, “I need to talk to you.”
Palmer batted her lashes innocently, “Nope! You don’t.” She reached for Cat and Dillyn’s hands and guided them away from the bull and to the dance floor where folks were line dancing. She completely paid him dust while yelling over the music, “This is my song. I love Kane Brown!”
“Ugh,” Cat said to no one. She wanted to ride that bull! However, she wouldn’t allow the Cash brothers to ruin their night of fun. Palmer was running away from Lucas to the dance floor, so she figured it was time to dance. At some point, Cat would have her chance to ride that thing.
Sorrowfully, Dillyn glanced back at Ben as she was being led away and gave him a slight one-shoulder shrug. Palmer needed her.
Dillyn wasn’t a great dancer, but she could keep a beat. It didn’t take long to get the hang of it. The dance was very similar to the electric slide. Before long, she was into it and having fun.
After more than thirty minutes of dancing, Dillyn’s bladder was about to explode. She didn’t want to be the fun sponge but had no choice. She yelled over the music, “Um . . . I need to use the bathroom.”
Cat yelled back, “Someone should go with you.”
Dillyn waved her off. “I’ll be fine. It’s just around the corner.”
“If you’re not back in five minutes,” Cat held up her right hand and wiggled her fingers, “we’re coming to find you.”
“Okay,mom!” Dillyn couldn’t even be upset. Lately, there had been too many crazy things happening, and they needed to be on guard.
Maneuvering through all the people was challenging. After the remodel, Franks was much bigger, which meant it could hold more customers. Still, Dillyn pushed her way through by angling her body this way and that while slowly inching toward her destination.
It was strange to hear so many folks speaking to her along the way, considering she was still new to Summer, but Dillyn learned quickly that word traveled fast in small towns, and it wasn’t like there were that many black folks around. It was probably very easy to pick her out.
“Hey, Dillyn.”
She smiled brightly, “Hi.”
“Howdy, Dillyn.”
“Hey there.” She continued to speak as she made her way toward the bathroom. She recognized many faces, but there were still too many unfamiliar ones.
“Hey, Dill.”
That deep, gravelly voice stopped her cold.Who said that?!Dillyn whirled around, looking for the person who spoke, but didn’t see them. She stood perfectly still, hoping it would help her concentrate. The problem was there were too many voices, and it was difficult to pick out that one from all the others.