“You ain’t foolin’ nobody.” Wyatt waved over to Cliven, the bartender, for another beer. “Call the woman.”
“A) I’m not looking for Palmer and B) she has to make the next move.”
Ben laughed. “Who said anything about Palmer?”
“What?” Lucas was caught red-handed.
“Look, if you’re really into her, you’ll have to put in some work. Snaggin’ Palmer won’t be easy.”
Frustrated, Lucas challenged, “I’ve madeallthe moves.” Thinking about it gave way to a slow grin. “I know she appreciated at least some of them.”
Wyatt smacked him on the back of the neck. “A hook-up is not the same as getting to know someone.”
“Oww!” Lucas rubbed the stinging area. “Watch that shit, man.”
It felt like old times as Ben watched his younger brothers acting up. “All I’m saying is that you can’t use the same moves on Palmer that may work on other women.”
“Not if she’s special.” Wyatt agreed.
Lucas didn’t think they were sympathetic enough to his situation, “I don’t know how many ways I can tell her. It’s not my fault that she doesn’t take me seriously.”
Ben was curious. “Whose fault is it then?”
Wyatt answered for him. “Definitely Lucas’ fault. But, to move this boring ass conversation along, did you ask yourself why she doesn’t take you seriously?”
“Screw you and you.” Lucas pointed first to Ben and then to Wyatt. “If I had to guess, I’d say my age, but ain’t nothing I can do about that.”
Wyatt asked, “Are you that much younger than her?”
“Not much, around seven or eight years.”
“Has she said that was the issue?”
“In roundabout ways. There is always an ageism comment or joke.”
“Then, you’ll have toshow herand nottell her you’re mature enough to handle a relationship. Make her see that you’re serious.”
Lucas was getting irritated with Wyatt. “You’re giving a lot of advice tonight. Are you talkin’ from experience because the last time I checked, yo ass ain’t never been married and is still single?”
Before Wyatt could respond, a sassy little siren with lust in her eyes approached them. She squeezed past Ben and Wyatt in her quest to get to Lucas.
“Hey, y’all.” Her voice was sultry and laced with a deep southern drawl. While she may have spoken to all of them, she set her sights on the youngest Cash brother. Smiling from ear to ear, she got up in his face, slid her hands across his chest, and linked her fingers behind his neck. “It’s been a while, darlin’.”
As if Lucas couldn’t help himself, he flashed her a mega-watt smile just as Dillyn, Cat, and Palmer walked through the door.
Immediately, his smile froze as his eyes connected to and locked with Palmer’s.
Her gaze turned icy.
“Whoo boy,” Wyatt shook his head as he started to walk away from the scene of the crime. “I think Lucas just fucked up both your nights.”
Wyatt had a point. It was hard to miss the red-hot anger written all over Dillyn’s face.
Damn Lucas! Ben would have to put in his own work to smooth things over.
Chapter 5
Dillyn glared at Ben from across the room. Franks was packed, but not enough to hide all the women flocking around him and his brothers. And Lucas? She was so disappointed. Why was he entertaining that woman? She had high hopes for him and Palmer, and Palmer was clearly upset.