The man knew how to make Dillyn weak in the knees. His kisses made her lose all track of space and time.
When they finally pulled apart, Dillyn was dizzy.Like really dizzy.She had to hold on to Ben for support. “Whoa.”
Ben caught her. He swept Dillyn up into his arms and carried her over to the bed. “This is why you need to rest!”
“I’m fine.” Dillyn dismissed his concern. “I just need to eat a little something.”
“It’s not just about you, Dillyn.” Ben’s concern sounded angry to Dillyn’s ears.
She was irritated too. “Who else would it be about then?” Were they about to have their first fight?
Ben handed her the brown paper bag.
“Is that a muffin or a donut?”
His voice was stern. “Open it.”
Dillyn snatched the bag from Ben’s hand, annoyance radiating off her waves. She opened it and stared at the contents for a long while before slowly raising her eyes to meet the intensity of Ben’s gaze. “Ben, what am I going to do with a pregnancy test?”
“Take it.”
Dillyn realized Ben was serious. She turned away to hide the pain. “I tried for years to get pregnant. It’s not possible.”
“Are you on the pill?”
She pressed her lips together, then whispered, “No.”
“I never wear a condom. So, it’s possible.”
“It’s possible but highly unlikely.” Dillyn sighed. She took a moment, gathering her thoughts and swallowing back her tears. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give you children.” Even though she was terrified of being a mother, it still broke her heart to utter those words.
Ben touched her face. “You are enough. If we decide to have kids, great. If we decide our family is complete with just the two of us, that’s fine too, but Dillyn, you have all the symptoms.” The thought that Dillyn could be pregnant hadn’t entered Ben’s mind until a couple of weeks ago when she had been overly tired and moody. Her breasts were super sensitive, and now she was having bouts of what seemed like morning sickness. It was possible she was just working too hard, but it was also possible Dillyn was pregnant.
Dillyn loved Ben’s concern, but she knew better. “If it will put your mind at ease, I’ll take it.”
“It would.”
Dillyn scooted off the bed and went to her bathroom.
Ben was a nervous wreck. He got up off her bed and started pacing. He’d tried to pretend as if he wasn’t stressed out about the possibility of having another baby. He loved Dillyn, but they hadn’t been dating that long. Did she even want kids? Ben wouldn’t survive a repeat of his situation with Lana.What the hell am I going to do if she is pregnant?
Dillyn was only gone a few moments, but Ben couldn't read her expression when she came out of the bathroom.
“It’ll take a few minutes before we can read it.” Though Dillyn was certain she wasn’t pregnant, the small chance that she might be scared her. She wasn’t sure if Ben even wanted more children. It wasn’t anything they ever talked about. However, she knew how much he doted on Rylee.What if he does?Dillyn wouldn’t be able to bear disappointing him.
Dillyn used her hunger as an excuse to distract them both. “If I don’t eat, I am going to fall out. I think I should grab something from the kitchen.”
Ben had barely been able to breathe. He folded his arms across his chest doing his best not to appear frustrated. “Are you serious? You don’t want to wait for the results?”
Dillyn shrugged and put her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, hoping to appear nonchalant when she was anything but. “Whatever it shows won’t change in fifteen minutes.”
Ben wanted to protest but thought better of it. Maybe it was best if they used the extra time to gather themselves—considering the results of that test could potentially change both of their lives.
Dillyn had been locked in her room for hours before Ben arrived. When they finally came out, she had no idea what had been happening outside of her work. As they descended the stairs, Dillyn directed furtive glances toward the men Syntax sent to watch over them. It was a stark reminder of the danger she had put everyone in.
She sighed.No more secrets.Dillyn had made that promise to Ben and told him about their protectors. Unfortunately, Cat and Palmer were still in the dark. It was Dillyn’s way of trying to protect them. The more they knew, the more in danger they were in.