“What kind of car is that?” Ben was frustrated. “Dammit. We can’t really see it.” He couldn’t lose Selah. He’d already lost too many people. If he lost his baby sister, Ben would lose his mind.

“Not yet anyway.” Dillyn’s fingers were moving lightning fast. Seconds later, the blurred image came into focus. Dillyn was already running a trace on the plates.

“It’s a rental.”

“Got dammit!” Lucas cursed and turned around in a semi-circle.

“Just bear with me,” Dillyn pleaded. “We’ll find her.” She continued to work her magic. “The car is rented to a Jarrod Smith.” Dillyn feared that if Jarrod was an alias, this situation was not a run-of-the-mill deal. Another screen popped up. She clicked on it. “It’s Selah’s last known location.” Dillyn dropped her head to her chest. “Shit.”

“What?” Ben asked.

“It’s from almost twelve hours ago.” Dillyn took a deep breath and got back to it.

“Have you found her?” Everyone stopped to look at the person who’d just walked into the room.

Ben shook his head no. “Not yet.”


“Ladies, this is my brother, Wyatt.”

There was no mistaking it. Dillyn thought it was super stranger how similar the Cash family looked. “Sorry to meet you this way,” she said.

“Yeah. Agreed. I’ve called in some of my friends too. What do we know so far?”

“We believe his name is Jarrod Smith. If this alias is correct, he’s twenty-four years old, five feet nine inches, dark hair, brown eyes, and driving a 2012 black Chevy Malibu, license plate N36259. It’s a rental car from Budget Motors in Nashville, TN. The good news is he doesn’t appear to have a criminal record.”

All eyes turned to Dillyn. Everyone was shocked to realize how much information she had gathered in the past fifteen minutes. “I’m not sure who your people are, but I have my people getting facial recognition.”

“Your people?” Wyatt asked.

“My staff over at Dot Matrix, a digital forensics firm.”

His eyes narrowed. “I didn’t know people in that field could just call up information like that.”

Dillyn turned away from his intense scrutiny. “Depends on who you know. It’s all out here.” Dillyn’s computer made a dinging nose. She whipped around and clicked on the new notification on her monitor. “Oh. My. God.”

Chapter 26

“What?!” Ben was losing his mind. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

Dillyn turned to find everyone staring at her with anxious eyes. “I got her.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I fixed her phone, so if the SIM card were ever removed, it would send an emergency signal and provide her last known location. I’m not sure if she removed it or—”

“It was destroyed.” Wyatt finished her sentence.

“Where is she?” Ben asked.

“She’s on Interstate 65 going south. Let me see something . . .” Dillyn was able to bring up satellite images. Her face turned white as a sheet.

“What?” Lucas asked.

“She’s in a trailer” When Ben saw how pale Dillyn was, he thought he was going to be sick.

“What does that mean?” Palmer asked what Cat was thinking.