Her entire body blushed. “You still have your clothes on. I feel so overdressed.”

“We can’t have that.” Ben’s eyes never left hers as he quickly removed his clothing.

Dillyn sucked in a breath. She knew that Ben was fit, but his body was ridiculous. His muscles were impossibly well defined. She could trace every single ab with her fingertips. Her gaze moved lower until it stopped at his semi-erect penis.

She shivered.

Ben was well endowed.Like really, really well endowed.Dillyn didn’t even think he was fully aroused. She was intimidated by his size and length.

The mattress dipped when Ben got back into the bed. Dillyn had to take a deep breath when she saw the intensity of his gaze. There was no denying it. Pure desire lit his eyes.

Ben watched Dillyn follow his every movement as he made his way over to her. He wanted to see her eyes change from wide-eyed and scared to just wild for him. That was Ben’s singular mission, even if that meant he would deprive himself of complete sexual satisfaction.

Ben pressed Dillyn’s body into his, so they touched from thigh to chest. Ben had been dying to kiss the patch of skin at the base of her neck. He wanted to love on her nipples and slide into her body all night long. Ben intended to make Dillyn his is in every possible way. He would start his takeover with her neck and wouldn’t stop until his lips had touched every single inch of her body. Ben would make damn sure that Dillyn’s only memory was of him.

His voice was filled with need as he leaned in close. “I’m going to kiss you here.”

At a loss for words, Dillyn could only nod.

Ben placed his lips on the side of her neck.

Dillyn held her breath. Her hands felt clammy. Bees replaced the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Her heart was already racing, but this wasn’t the good kind. They were all telltale signs of her anxiety rising.Please. Not this time.I can do this.

Ben felt Dillyn tense up. He spoke softly as he placed gentle kisses up and down the column of her neck. “Breathe. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”

“I-I . . .” Dillyn wasn’t sure that she could.

“You’re safe with me,” Ben whispered. “I promise I won’t hurt you.” He ran the tips of his fingers up and down the length of her spine, hoping it would have a calming effect while planting little kisses against her neck.

Have faith in him.Dillyn closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, and slowly released each of them.

Ben waited as he continued to speak lovingly to her soul. “I won’t go any further until you’re ready.” He needed Dillyn to show him a sign. Until then, he would continue to caress her back and take pleasure in tasting her heated skin.

Finally, after several agonizing moments, Ben received the signal he was looking for. Dillyn exhaled. She started to breathe. He knew this was a big step for her, and Ben would take it with her. Unfortunately, her breaths were still short and choppy.

“You want me to stop?”

Dillyn was a little breathless. “No. Please, don’t stop.”

That was all the encouragement Ben needed. Dillyn still wasn’t relaxed enough for him but getting there. Ben dragged his mouth away from Dillyn’s neck to her lips. “I’m going to kiss you.” He intended to telegraph his every movement so that Dillyn could stop him at any stage where she might start to feel uncomfortable.

This time his kiss was a little different. He parted Dillyn’s lips with his tongue. Ben was pleased that she let him inside. His kiss was hot,soft, and moist, maybe even a little demanding. At first, Dillyn was tentative.We have to work on that. If he had to make love to her mouth all night, they wouldn’t move to the next step until she was able to let go and kiss him with the same intensity, want, and need that he had for her. Ben was seeking another level of closeness, and his kiss was just the start.

He spoke into their kiss. “You taste so good. I can’t wait to sample the rest of you.”

Dillyn trembled. His words were magical. They made her feel . . .excited. Dillyn refused to allow any thoughts to enter her head other than Ben. She focused on the way his skin felt underneath her hands. Dillyn breathed in the musky scent of his cologne. It was mixed with Ben’s natural scent, and the combination made her body heat in ways it had never done before.

Dillyn sigh.

Ben wasn’t sure if it was a sound of contentment or pleasure. Both were good. It added more fuel to Ben’s fire, but it still was not enough. One thing Ben could never be accused of was not being thorough.

Ben reached behind her and unhooked her bra, then slowly pushed the straps down before wrapping Dillyn up in his arms and continuing his loving onslaught of kisses.

Dillyn was feeling dizzy. No one had ever kissed her the way Ben was kissing her, and it intoxicated her. She began to return his kisses at his same enthusiasm.

Ben’s cock twitched. It was sandwiched between them and had thickened and lengthened as their bodies pressed tightly together. It was a sure sign of how much he wanted her. Ben wasn’t sure how far Dillyn was ready to go, but he hoped his arousal didn’t scare her away.

Dillyn wasn’t in her head. She was fully present in the moment, so when pre-cum dripped from the head of Ben’s cock, she was hopeful because she wasn’t turned off. Not only was she not turned off, but Ben’s touches, his kisses—all of it—made her body react in new ways. Dillyn was beginning to heat from her core.