“Are you trying to pimp me out?”
Lucas’s face softened into an expression of care. “Nah’ man. I just want to see you happy again. If not Dillyn, maybe Virginia, but you got to get back out there.” Lucas would never say it aloud, but Lana never made his brother happy.
Ben’s throat felt a little thick, so he cleared it. “You don’t have to worry about me. When I’m ready to date, I’ll date. In the meantime, I’m good.” Ben couldn’t hold Lucas’s gaze, so he glanced around. It was the perfect time to get gone. He had no desire to dredge up the past. Ben plastered on a smile. Ben walked past Lucas as he went into the house. “I’m gonna go grab a shower.”
Lucas watched as his brother walked away. He could only hope that Ben would one day find his way back to himself.
Chapter 11
Ben had some time to think about his conversation with Lucas regarding SelahandDillyn. He was having second thoughts about their plan. Selah was smart. She had a good head on her shoulders and had never given them any real problems. She was responsible. Maybe they should just give her a little more space. If she needed them, they would be there.
A glimmer from the sun came through his bedroom window and caught the locket hanging around his neck at just the right angle. It twinkled in the mirror as he gazed at his reflection.
Ben caressed it as if it were the most precious thing on earth. Everyone who ever told him the pain would lessen with time, and things would get easierlied. Ben closed his eyes, drew in a deep breath, then slowly let it out.
He took a moment to gather himself. After the wave of emotion passed, Ben continued to dress. He put on a fresh black t-shirt, pair of jeans, and boots, then headed out to meet up with his brother.
Lucas was standing impatiently on the porch, waiting. He’d put on a crisp white button-up and held several bunches of flowers in his hands. A frown appeared on his face as he watched Ben approach. “Dude, you ain’t wearing that. We’re trying to woo a bunch of ladies. You might be the ugliest Cash brother, so ya gotta put in a little more effort.”
Ben wasn’t amused. “You of all people know that I’m not trying to woo anybody.” Ben ran a hand through his damp hair. Lines creased his forehead. “This isn’t just a bad idea. It ain’t right.”
“So, you’re cool with letting Selah go off to New York by herself cause she’s going to be on the first thing smokin’ if we don’t take action.”
“Of course I’m not cool with it,” Ben said, his voice a growl. “I’m also not okay with manipulating this situation. Who do we know in New York that we can trust?”
“Not a damn soul.” Lucas reached into his back pocket and removed his cell. He was animated as he held it up to Ben. “Might as well dial up American Airlines.”
“Shit.” Neither of them was in a position to go with Selah, and Wyatt wouldn’t be home till the end of the month. He would not be interested in spending an entire summer in the city. He hated it just as much as they did.
“Exactly. Change your shirt,” Lucas said.
“I’m good. No reason to change.” Ben was adamant.
“Dude, you’re stubborn. From what I’ve gathered, those women won’t be bowled over by a shot of whiskey and our charm—in your case, the lack of. We’re going to have to put in some work.”
“You’re the lover-boy in the family. I ain’t pimpin’ myself out to anybody for any reason. Matter-of-fact, let’s go before I change my mind.” Ben jogged down the stairs and headed toward his pick-up truck.
Chapter 12
The ranch needed a lot of work, but it was also the perfect place for a fresh start. It sat on more than two hundred acres. The grounds were rich, and the soil was just right for The Chicks Vineyard. The crown jewel was the main house. It was close to five thousand square feet and sat on the property's highest point, overlooking the rest of the grounds. The views of the mountains were spectacular. The mornings were so incredible Dillyn thought God himself was present.
The property also had four other separate living quarters. All were in disrepair and the main reason Palmer was able to negotiate a purchase price well under value.
The main house was livable but still needed a lot of TLC. They decided to fix it up first since it was where they were living. They hired a few handymen to oversee the plumbing and electrical issues. They would refurbish the other properties once the main house was finished.
By the time Dillyn returned from the Cash Ranch, Palmer and Cat were already in the process of tackling the painting of the parlor. Dillyn figured they would have slept well past the afternoon given everything that happened the night before, but no. They seemed bright-eyed and raring to go.
Dillyn walked into the room, and Cat noticed her first. “Hey, girl! Where did you rush off to this morning?” She stood on a ladder, pouring paint into a tray.
Dillyn held up her phone. “I went to get my cell.”
“At Selah’s?” Palmer asked as she adjusted her coveralls and baseball cap.
“Ooh. How did you find out where they lived? Did you meet her other two brothers?” Palmer’s curiosity wasn’t casual. She had her reasons for being interested. “Are they good-looking as she made them seem?”
Dillyn shrugged. “I googled it, and yes, I met two of them. Selah’s brothers are assholes.”