Just as several members on Officer Joseph’s team were about to move out in that direction, they looked up to see Ben coming out from behind the trees. He walked down a slight slope and carried a motionless Selah. Her head lay cradled against his chest.
Lucas and Wyatt made eye contact. They could only pray they had arrived in time.
Chapter 28
It was well after midnight, and Dillyn and her friends were still waiting for word from Ben, Lucas, and Wyatt.
“Is there anything else you can tell us, Dillyn?” Palmer asked.
“No.” She wished there was. “All I know is that the trailer hasn’t moved in hours. I lost my satellite feed and have no idea what’s going on.”
“When you said you worked in IT, I thought that meant you helped people reset their password.”
“I said I was a digital forensic investigator.”
“But you were over here like that lady in the Bourne movies,” Cat said in awe.
Her words hit too close to home for Dillyn. “No. It’s typically nothing that exciting. Just boring stuff. I’m glad today I was able to help. Hopefully.”
No sooner had Dillyn uttered the words did Ben walk through the door carrying Selah. They all breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over. Ben didn’t stop. He stalked past the women, taking Selah straight to her room.
“Are you guys alright?” Palmer rushed to Lucas.
“We’re fine. I’m just prayin’ Selah will be.”
Wyatt walked over to Dillyn with knowing eyes. “Thank you for your help. We would never have gotten our sister back without you.” He glanced over at Cat, and his eyes lingered for a moment.
“I’m just glad I could. Is she okay?”
Wyatt knew what she was asking. “She will be.” He turned to everyone in the room. “It’s been a long evening. It’s late. We have a ton of spare bedrooms. Pick one and get some rest. We can sort the rest of this in the morning.”
Cat’s eyes never left him as Wyatt walked out of the room.
Lucas was always so playful, so it was easy for Palmer to notice his eyes had a hardness about them they’d never had before. She could only assume it was because Lucas had to do some things he’d never had to do. Palmer shook her head. She believed there was going to be a lot of healing going around for a lot of people in the room. “I’m going to head up too.”
Palmer’s tone was low as she asked, “Would you like some company?”
Lucas stared at her for a moment before answering. “Yeah. I would.” He grabbed her by the hand, and they walked out of the room together.
Cat and Dillyn were alone. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Dillyn hadn’t even told her friends about Steven. “Steven’s dead.” Her voice was just above a whisper.
“What?” Cat’s eyes widened.
“I got a call earlier today telling me that he was gone. That he was murdered.”
Cat didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t lie and say she was so sorry. Although she didn’t want Steven dead, she also didn’t care. So, in that respect, Cat wasn’t sorry, but she knew she had to say something. “I’m sorry if you’re hurt by his death.”
Dillyn sighed as tears started to fall down her face. “I’m sorry about a lot. I am sorry that Steven is dead. I’m sorry that Selah just experienced such a horrendous situation.” She dropped her head. “I’m just . . . sorry.”
She turned at the sound of her name. Ben stepped into the room. He looked exhausted. “Selah is asking for you. I can show Cat to a guest room if you want to check on her.”
Cat nodded. “Thanks. I’d appreciate that.”
“Yes?” Dillyn glanced up at Ben. The look he returned made her stomach bottom out.