It seems like it might be a small team. I could’ve handled them by myself. Wyatt glanced back at Lucas in the rearview. The intel reinforced his feelings of leaving him at home with the ladies.
“Guys! How close are you?” The tone of Dillyn’s voice changed. It was elevated. “I have a visual on Selah. Thomas has taken her out of the trailer, and they’re headed for the woods.”
Wyatt passed the semi and pulled over onto the shoulder just a short distance away.
“We see ‘em,’” Ben said. “We’ll connect with you once we have Selah.”
“Ben?” Dillyn tried to keep the worry out of her voice. “Please, be careful.”
“We’ll be home before you know it.” Ben disconnected.
Wyatt took note of Ben and Dillyn’s affection for one another. He wasn’t sure about her. Ben was known for falling hard and fast. He just hoped his brother wouldn’t get his heart ripped out of his chest this time. Wyatt pushed those thoughts away. Time wasn’t on their side.
“Change of plans,” Wyatt rushed his words. “Lucas, get out and raise the hood of the truck. It’ll look like there’s a problem with it. Keep an eye on them from there. If they get suspicious and give you any trouble . . . handle it. You’ve got good instincts. Do what you’ve got to do.”
“Got it.” Lucas pulled out his 9-millimeter Glock17. Lucas knew his way around long guns because he was an avid hunter. However, his only real experience with a Glock was at the gun range and survivalist training. He attended the school for two weeks every year. Lucas didn’t know what they would be facing. Still, he knew his gun of choice held a seventeen-round magazine and nineteen holds fifteen rounds, meaning there wouldn’t be any compromise on capacity. Basically, it was anI wishmuthafuckawouldweapon.
When they all stepped out of the car, Ben spoke loud enough to be heard. “I’ve got to take a leak.”
“Yeah, me too.”Wyatt echoed.
Lucas nodded at the two and went around the front of the car, lifting the hood.
Quickly, Wyatt and Ben went into the trees and began to backtrack toward the trailer. In a matter of minutes, they could hear Selah screaming. She came into view just as she gave Thomas a right hook. He had her on the ground, trying to take advantage of her, but Selah was making it difficult.
Ben lifted the pistol that he’d outfitted with a scope. “I got him.” The police didn’t need to handle this. He would. “Go help Lucas.”
Wyatt understood completely and had planned to do the exact same thing. Instead, he ran back toward his other brother. Just as Wyatt stepped into the clearing, he heard the shot. He knew Ben only needed one.
A commotion rose from near the semi. The two men in the cab, who had checked the tires, had drawn their guns and shouted to the other man in the trailer. They split up, taking different paths around the truck. It was clear the men had heard the shot too, which meant shit was about to get real fast.
“Go for the tires,” Wyatt hollered over at Lucas.
Lucas quickly lowered the hood and followed instructions. Lifting his Glock, he fired four shots. Seconds later, the bastards returned fire.
Lucas dropped the guy who’d been working on the tire, and Wyatt took out two others coming up the side.
As soon as Wyatt gave the signal, they carefully made their way over to the trailer making sure the men they’d shot were dead. Once they confirmed, they continued to move slowly, unsure if they would encounter anyone else.
Wyatt and Lucas arrived at the back of the trailer without any problems. Lucas was on one side of the back end, and Wyatt was on the other. “On three.” Wyatt had a hand on the latch to raise the door. He counted down then lifted.
They were fully prepared to blast anybody else who’d had a hand in abducting their sister. Instead, they only saw frightened women and girls. There were screams from the women closest to the doors. With all the gunfire, and now, those same guns drawn on them, they were understandably shaken.
Lucas was the first to put his gun away. He spoke to the women in reassuring tones. “It’s okay. We won’t hurt you.” He put his hands up and looked to Wyatt, gesturing with his head that he should keep watch out of the women’s view. Though he knew the gun had to trigger them, Lucas also knew one of them needed to remain ready and on guard.
As Lucas was helping a mass of women and girls down from the trailer, the State Police showed up. Wyatt put away his gun, shaking his head.Of course.They get here after we’ve done all the dirty work.
Wyatt turned to Lucas. “You good?” He knew Lucas had never killed a man before.
“Never better.” Lucas turned away, but not before Wyatt noticed the hard glint in his eye.
Several squad cars and a sex trafficking unit pulled up close. The officers got out and rushed them with their weapons drawn. “Ben, Lucas, and Wyatt Cash?” Wyatt and Lucas both raised their empty hands.
“I’m Wyatt, and this is my brother, Lucas. There are three assailants down toward the front of this rig.” Wyatt tipped his head toward the front of the semi.
The officer nodded, and his men went in search of them. “I’m Officer Joseph.” The man lowered his weapon. “Dillyn Anderson already gave us the background regarding this situation and your images. Thank you for your service and for saving these girls. Are there any other people down?”
Wyatt lifted his chin toward the trees. “Maybe one more in the woods.”