Lucas looked awkward as he shifted from foot to foot. “I was just on my way up to apologize.”

“For what?”

“For what I said earlier. I know I’m the younger brother, but I’m protective of you.” Lucas ran his hand through his hair. “It’s not my place to tell you who to like or not. It’s just . . . you’ve been through a lot . . .” Lucas let his words drift. “The bottom line is that it’s good to see you happy. Dillyn’s the only woman who has been able to help you smile. I’msurprisedshe is the one to do it but happy you’re smiling.”

“Lucas, we just went for a ride.” Ben tried to downplay the importance of how Dillyn made him feel.

“Yeah, but you called her, and it sounds like you want to do it again.”

“No point in denying it. I do. I’m not sure how she feels about it. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I just enjoy spending time with her.”

“Then definitely, call her.”

“I just did. I left her a message.”

“Aw hell, man, you’re a Cash.” Lucas grinned. “If she doesn’t call you back, show up on her doorstep. We’re irresistible. And if you’re interested in pursuing her, you’ve got the easy in.”

Ben frowned. “What’s that?”

“Selah. She just accepted a job as their personal assistant.”

A slow grin appeared on Ben’s face. “That’s right. She surely did.”

Chapter 20

It had taken six months for Steven to get everything set up to make his move against Dillyn. She had made it all too easy. However, Steven planned to give her one more chance. Dillyn had to provide him with access to CyberCom so that the people he worked for could execute their plan.

Steven stood outside the doors of her rundown property, waiting for someone to answer the door. He couldn’t believe he’d married someone willing to waste millions on what he thought was bullshit. Steven rang the doorbell again as he looked around.

Palmer opened the door, and the smile she’d been wearing fell away. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Gracious as always, I see. Where’s Dillyn.”

“Leave.” Palmer started to slam the door, but Steven put his foot in the crack to keep it from closing, forcing his way inside.

“Hell, no! You can’t just come up in my home like this. What is the matter with you?!” Palmer didn’t have her cell phone, so she started screaming, “Cat! Call 911 NOW!”

Cat came running toward the door with her phone in hand. “What happened?”

Dillyn ran in behind Cat and froze when she saw Steven. “What are you doing here?”

“I suppose I could ask you the same thing. What are you doinghere?” Distaste was evident on his face as he glanced about their foyer.

Dillyn refused to answer. “Steven, you need to leave before Cat calls the police.”

“She could, but I’m here trying to keep you safe.”

“Keep her safe? You’re the bastard who hurt her.” Cat turned to Palmer. “It’s three of us. We should beat his ass!”

Steven’s eyes never left Dillyn’s. She could tell that he was serious, and a cold shiver went down her spine. “Wait. Let me talk to him.”

Both Palmer and Cat began to protest, but Dillyn shook her head. “As you said, it’s three of us. I’ll only give him five minutes, and then after that, Steven will be out of my life forever.”

He turned to her gatekeepers. “She’s right. I’ll be gone forever. Five minutes. That’s all I need.”

Palmer was pissed. She crossed her arms underneath her breasts. “Fine, but I’ll be right here just in case you need backup.”

“Dillyn, please. Call off your pack. I need to speak with you and you alone.”