Her voice snapped Dillyn out of her good mood. “Gee,mom, I went out for a ride.”
“Did you forget Selah was coming over today? We were supposed to be discussing her role with us.”
Dillyn had forgotten. She glanced down at her watch. “Shit. Is she here already?”
“Yes! Cat and I have spent the last hour showing her around and discussing what we’d like her to do. Wait a minute.” Palmer narrowed her eyes. She noticed that Dillyn looked different. She was almost glowing. Her cheeks were indeed dewy.
Dillyn nibbled on her lower lip at the intense scrutiny. “What?”
Palmer’s shrewd gaze bore into hers. “Where have you been?”
Dillyn lifted a shoulder. “I told you. I went out for a ride.”
“A ride where?”
Before Palmer could respond, Selah and Cat joined them. Selah’s smile was bright. “How was your ride with Ben? Whisper is amazing, isn’t she?”
Cat and Palmer’s expressions were nothing short of shocked.
Dillyn wouldn’t look at either of her friends. She addressed Selah. “She is pretty amazing.” Dillyn did her best to ignore the quizzical glances from her girls. “I’m sorry I’m late. We’re all so happy you decided to help us out.”
“Nuh-uh. You went riding with Ben?” Cat was not going to save her questioning until after Selah left.
“Who is Whisper?” Palmer followed-up. “Is that why you’re kinda glowing?”
Dillyn had to shut this conversation down. They were not going to embarrass her in front of Ben’s sister. “My gaaawd. Ladies! I went out for a ride on Ben’s horse, Whisper. He just wanted to show me around.”
“I knew it!” Cat didn’t believe her for a second. “What happened when you kissed him? Clearly, there was more going on than we could see.”
Dillyn shrugged. “I hate to disappoint you, but it was just a ride.”
“Are you sure?” Selah asked. “My brother has never taken anyone out on Whisper except for . . .” Selah stopped short before she said too much. “I mean, he doesn’t take anyone for rides.”
Dillyn wondered if Selah was going to say Ben’s wife. “I can promise you that it was just a ride.”
Selah’s cell phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her back pocket and looked at the screen. She smiled mischievously before glancing up to find Dillyn, Palmer, and Cat all staring at her. “Sorry. I thought it was a call from home.”
“I believe you about as much as I believe Dillyn,” Palmer said.
“I can admit it.” Selah was all smiles. “That text was from Thomas. We’re trying to schedule a time to meet up.” Her expression turned sheepish. “Depending on my work schedule.”
Dillyn was more than happy to redirect the heat from her inquiring friends. “I forgot. Is that the guy you were talking about at Frank’s?”
Selah was beaming. “Actually, no. Funny coincidence. We met online after leaving Frank’s. He claimed he saw me, but I didn’t see him. Anyway, there was just this instant connection.”
Dillyn knew her brothers would not go for her meeting with Thomas this soon. Still, she kept her thoughts to herself. She was not the one to give dating advice. Instead, Dillyn smiled warmly but did offer a little bit of caution. “I’m sure you probably already know this but be careful. I should get showered and changed. I’ll be back down to go over our game plan.”
Ben jogged up the steps to the main house just as Lucas was walking out onto the porch. Ben seemed to have a bounce to his step. “Whoa?! What’s this?” Lucas was surprised, given that Rylee’s birthday was tomorrow. He didn’t know exactly where Ben’s head was, so Lucas was only going to mention it if Ben did.
“What?” Ben responded. He glanced about, trying to see what Lucas was referring to.
“Something about you is a little different.” Lucas walked around Ben, giving him a head-to-toe inspection. “Is that a little extra pep in ya step?”
Ben shook his head. “You’re an idiot,” he said jokingly. “I thought something was wrong.” Ben started to brush past Lucas. “I’ve got the same pep I’ve always had.”
Lucas blocked his path. “Nah, bruh. You don’t.” His eyes narrowed. “Where are you coming from? Are you just getting home?” Lucas pretended to sniff Ben. The lightbulb popped on. “Wait a minute. Were you with a woman?”