“Oh really? Please explain that, Mr. Cowboy.”
“For starters,” he smirked, “women from Tennessee would already know how to muck out a stall.”
Instead of taking her ass back home, Dillyn snatched the shovel from him and headed over toward the stall Ben had initially pointed to. She almost shoveled the shit at him instead of the pile. Why she felt the need to prove him wrong was beyond her.
Ben was impressed by the steel in her spine. He yelled out after her, “The sooner you finish, the sooner we can go for that ride.”
Dillyn’s back was killing her. She didn’t even know how she got herself in this situation. Why did she let Benjamin Cash goad her into shoveling horse shit? Her two-thousand-dollar boots were ruined, and she planned to send him the bill to replace them.
Ben was leaning up against the doorframe of the stall with his legs crossed at the ankles, watching. Dillyn’s back was to him. She was working hard. He hadn’t heard a peep out of her in almost an hour. Dillyn was so focused on her task that Ben didn’t think she even knew he was there.
Dillyn was going to need a long hot bath with Epsom salt along with several pain meds from all the bending over, shoveling, and tossing of horse crap. Her anger was starting to rise.What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I don’t have anything to prove. Yet here I am, falling into similar patterns. Why do I need or want his approval? He’s getting nothing but joy watching me be completely out of my element.
Dillyn stopped and stood up straight. She took a deep calming breath.
Ben could see that Dillyn had reached her limit. He cleared his throat to announce himself and pushed off the doorframe. “You ready?” After uttering those words, he had no idea what was about to hit him.
Dillyn turned, face flushed from both arduous work and a slow simmering rage, which had built up over the past hour.
She held his gaze and took slow, deliberate steps toward him.
He could see the fury in her eyes.
Dillyn slammed the handle of the shovel into his palm. “I’m done.” Angrily, she stalked away.
“Wait . . . I thought you wanted to ride?”
Dillyn stopped. She pivoted and took a few steps back toward him. They were face-to-chest since Dillyn wasn’t as tall as Ben. “I did when I thought there might be some good in you. That you wanted to help me. It’s taken almost an hour to realize you’re a fuckin’ masochist! I’ve had enough of those kinds of men in my life.” Dillyn glanced heavenward. “Here I am doing the same shit I always do. Someone pretends as if they care, and I eat it up!” She brought her gaze back to his and narrowed her eyes. “I’m shoveling SHIT! For what? For your approval?” Dillyn jabbed him in the chest as she enunciated each word that came out of her mouth. “Who are you that I need it?”
She had every right to be angry. Ben felt like a world-class jerk. He hadn’t meant to take his frustrations out on her. The guilt would eat him alive if he didn’t do something to fix it. Dillyn was going through a rough time, and he added to it. He lifted his hands as if surrendering. “You’re right. Let me try to make things right.”
“Tuh?!” Dillyn rolled her eyes. “For five seconds, I forgot that you’re a man. Your gender is only good for tearing things down. You have no idea how to build something up!” Again, she turned away and headed for the exit doors.
Dillyn’s words hit him hard. Ben felt if she walked out of that door, she would be proof that there was no redemption for him. Quickly, he followed behind. “You’re right! For the past few years, I’ve destroyed everything in my path. I was already in a bad mood when I came into the stables. It had nothing to do with you. I am sorry. You shouldn’t have had to bear the brunt of it.”
“Why? What is it with you?” Dillyn asked.
Ben looked toward the heavens. “My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow, and it’s killing me that I can’t be with her.”
Instantly, the anger left her body. Dillyn remembered how he had sang to her over the phone. It was clear that Rylee was his pride and joy. “I’m sorry.” Dillyn was glad that she and Steven never had a child. She was sure he would use a baby as a weapon, much like she figured Ben’s ex was doing.
Ben ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You shouldn’t be enduring me feeling shitty. It’s me who should be apologizing to you.”
Whisper made a noise. She was restless. It was more than likely brought on by the energy bouncing between them. When she poked her head out of the stall, it was clear Whisper was ready for her ride.
Ben repeated himself. “Let me make it right.” He already had Whisper saddled up for their ride. He opened the stall, and she trotted out—tall, beautiful, and magnificent.
Ben had no doubt that Dillyn could say no to him but to Whisper? She seemed mesmerized by the mare. Ben reached out to touch Dillyn’s shoulder. “Why don’t we ride and, for a little while, forget all of our problems?”
Chapter 17
Dillyn nodded and allowed Ben to pull her body close. He placed his hands on each side of her waist before hoisting her onto the saddle.
Dillyn's lips parted. She released a small gasp. A whole gang of butterflies started swarming the pit of her stomach. She hadn’t been expectingthatreaction from his touch. Dillyn was grateful that Ben hadn’t seemed to notice.
Ben couldn’t get over how light Dillyn was. She weighed hardly anything and was even smaller than she appeared. While Dillyn had him thinking of her in ways he shouldn’t, if Dillyn were Ben’s, he’d make sure she added a little more meat on her body.