“You mean it?” Ben was somewhat surprised to hear Dillyn say that, considering she was a city girl.

“I’d give my left kidney for five minutes of what you’ve just described.”

“A kidney is a hot commodity. At least make it an hour ride.” Ben laughed. “If you’re serious, maybe I can take you out sometime.”

“You’d take me out?”

Against his better judgment, Ben nodded. “Yeah. If you want to go.” Honestly, Dillyn was able to get under his skin without even trying. His invitation was meant to be helpful. At least, that is what he kept telling himself. “I only want to help. Figure it’s the least I could do considering I was an ass yesterday.”

Dillyn nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I do wonder if this is the real you. That night, when Amber had plans and my friends were sick, and we had dinner, and when we met again at Frank’s are completely at odds with what happened yesterday.”

“In my defense, I’ve been an ass to most people in general lately, so I hope you don’t take it to heart.”

Dillyn asked softly, “Why?”

“The situation with Selah was stressing me out, and I’m dealing with something else I’m not quite sure how to handle.”

“I’m sorry. What to talk about it?”

“Nope. Not really.”

“Okay, then.” Dillyn changed the subject. “Can Whisper really do all that stuff you claim?” She returned her attention back to the amazing mare in front of her. She hadn’t realized her hand was still linked to Ben’s until she tried to caress Whisper again.

Ben had seen plenty of sadness in Dillyn, but he’d bet his life that Whisper could help both of them. Dillyn seemed entirely captivated by her. He’d never seen her eyes look so alive. There was even a hint of excitement. Maybe even a twinkle. It made him feel . . . useful.

“That and more,” he responded.

Dillyn couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice. “How about tomorrow? Can we ride tomorrow?”


Dillyn mistook his surprise for something else. “If you didn’t mean it or are too busy, that’s okay.”

Ben was a man of his word. He would never have asked if he didn’t mean it. “I’m never too busy to ride. So, if you’re serious, we can go tomorrow.”

Dillyn’s eyes danced as she bobbed her head up and down with the enthusiasm of a child. “Yes. I’m serious.”

Ben had hoped that Whisper could work her magic, and seemingly she had. “Okay. I usually make my way to these stables every morning at five. If you’re here by six . . . we ride.” Ben thought of his sister, Selah, and how long it took her to get ready. “Not six o’one. If you’re even a minute late, your ass is going to get left.”

“Got it.” Dillyn moved to unlink her hand from his. Immediately, she missed the warmth and comfort. She shook that feeling off and saluted as if she were in the military. “I’ll be here.”

Dillyn touched Whisper’s forehead with her own and spoke softly. “See you in the morning, Beautiful.”

Whisper neighed. Dillyn would take that as a sign that she was happy with the idea. “I better get back. I’ve been gone for too long. Cat and Palmer have probably already called out a search party.” Dillyn backed out of the stall wearing a genuine smile. She was excited for the first time in too long to remember.

Chapter 16

It was still dark when Dillyn woke and left the house. It was also a little chilly, so she threw on a parka. Dillyn did not want to be late and miss the opportunity to ride Whisper. Of course, it had nothing to do with Ben.Nothing at all. At least, that is what she kept telling herself.

On the drive over, Dillyn couldn’t get Ben off her mind. She didn’t know what to make of him. He was such a contradiction. Their first meeting was almost flirty and fun. When they danced at Frank’s, for a split second, Dillyn thought she might be attracted to him.More than anything, Dillyn didn’t feel threatened either emotionally or physically. Dillyn wondered what was causing his mood swings. How was Ben so comforting and charming one minute and overbearing and controlling the next.

Dillyn wasn’t completely blind. He was in pain and trying hard to bury it. Clearly, his divorce was hard on him too.Could that be why there seemed to be a connection between them?As much as Palmer and Cat loved and supported her, they didn’t get it. There were a lot of reasons for that. It was a breath of fresh air to be around someone who didn’t look at her as if she were going to break at any moment. A person who didn’t feel as if her emotions should be turned on and off like a switch. Dillyn decided it was best not to ask Ben about his demons. Whatever was going on seemed to be more about him than her.

Dillyn checked her phone when she arrived.4:55 a.m.She walked over toward the stall and waited. Dawn still hadn’t broken through the darkness. Dillyn hoped Ben hadn’t forgotten or was too tired for an early morning ride. She figured the barbecue had probably ended just a few hours ago.

At precisely five a.m., Ben strolled around the corner of the stable. He stopped short. He was somewhat surprised to see her. “How long have you been here?”

Dillyn was relieved to see him. “Just a few minutes. You weren’t kidding when you said five a.m. on the dot.”