“You think?” Palmer asked.
“Yep,” Cat confirmed. “And the search for me continues.”
“What about Ben? You could ask him out,” Palmer asked, mainly to see what Dillyn’s response would be.Nothing.Palmer got absolutely nothing.
Cat responded. “I don’t think he’s available.”
Palmer blurted out. “He’s single! I asked Lucas.”
He’s single?Dillyn was surprised. He hadn’t mentioned that.
“I think Ben might be interested in Dillyn,” Cat responded.
Dillyn whipped her head around. “He is not!”
“Yes, he is.” Palmer and Cat said at the same time. Palmer continued to push her point home. “Selah said there are three Cash brothers. Cat can have the other one.”
“What if he’s ugly?” Cat asked. “I haven’t even seen him.”
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say he probably looks like the rest of his family,” Palmer said.
Dillyn chimed in. “Okay, ladies. Didn’t we just discuss this not even twenty-four hours ago? I’m not here to get with Ben. I’m here because you forced me and because I like Selah.” Dillyn got out of the car and planted her booted feet firmly on the gravel. “I’m just glad this time I wore the right shoes. So, if the shit hits the fan, I can run my ass off.”
They had learned their lesson and were all dressed more appropriately. The thought of Friday night had the three of them on edge.
The barbecue had been in full swing for several hours. As expected, Lucas was surrounded by women all vying to lock him down. He typically loved the attention, but for some odd reason, Lucas wasn’t fully present. He smiled when appropriate but hadn’t been able to keep track of any of the conversations. Instead, he kept glancing over toward the entrance.
Ben was in almost the same situation. It took every bit of his energy to mingle with his single female guests. Most of them were seeking a lot more than just his attention. It was hard to know who really wanted him for him and who just wanted the money and status that would come with being married into his family. He’d chosen once and had chosen wrong. It almost ended him. Ben would never have what his parents had, and he’d made peace with it—sort of. There was a better chance of hell freezing over.
Ben saw them as soon as they walked into the backyard. Dillyn, Palmer, and Cat were instantly greeted by guests hoping to have a conversation with the ladies from New York.
Selah was chatting it up with several girls her own age when she saw them arrive. From her vantage point, Selah had a bird’s eye view of everything and everyone, including her brothers. They were entertaining two separate groups of people, but their heads lifted at the exact same time. She turned to see what was drawing their attention and there stood Dillyn, Palmer, and Cat.
Selah wasn’t surprised to see that three beautiful women had caught the attention of Lucas. But Ben? That was a surprise, considering his previous experience. Selah excused herself from her friends and walked over to Ben. She managed to sneak up on him while he was still staring at her new friends. Selah stood up on tiptoe and whispered into his ear, “She is very beautiful, isn’t she?”
Ben quickly turned away as if caught with his hand in a candy jar. Speaking through a faux smile only Selah could hear, he asked, “Who?”
“You know who.” She looked up at him while smiling and batting her eyelashes.
“Excuse me, ladies. Can I borrow my brother?” Selah grabbed Ben by the arm and led him away. “You should go say hi.”
He frowned. “Thanks for rescuing me from that pack, but I’m good.” Ben maneuvered out of her grasp, tipping his hat. “I’ve got a bull that needs riding.” He walked away in the opposite direction.
Selah could only watch him leave. She wondered if her brother would ever open up to love again.
Ben spent the rest of the afternoon mingling with the guests. It was weird, but he could feel her. It was strange that he seemed to know exactly where Dillyn was at all times. She had separated from her friends and was walking around on her own.
She didn’t lack for male attention. She seemed to nod and smile a lot, but he couldn’t tell if she was enjoying herself.
Lucas caught up with him. “Yo! I’ve been looking for you. It’s time to go to the booth.”
Ben rolled his eyes. “That booth is a stupid idea.”
Lucas slapped him on the back. “Stupid or not. You agreed, so bring ya ass. We’ve got women to kiss.”
Chapter 14