“That sounds like bullshit.” Palmer laughed. “This is where we part ways, friend. I want the husband, the house with the white picket fence, the two point five kids, the damn dog, and a cat!”

Cat shrugged. “Husbands. I don’t want one of those. Kids either. Maybe a cat.” She smirked. “Nowsex.That’s different. That I can’t live without.” Cat placed the paint roller on the wall and rolled it up, stretching as tall as she could. Paint dripped onto her face. “And I’m deprived! It’s been almost three months since I’ve had sex. My body is like . . .what in the entire hell?”

Palmer giggled as she picked up the paint gun and began to spray it on the wall. “I know, Cat! You’re the nympho of the group. I was surprised you didn’t find someone to hook up with at Frank’s.”

“I was looking, but it blew up.” Cat flicked paint over onto Palmer. “Plus, I had way too many drinks to give consent even before the place turned into a burning inferno.”

“Your ass sobered up real quick when they started fighting on the dance floor.” Palmer laughed.

“They were fighting over you!” Cat reminded her.

“Maybe.” Palmer had a glint in her eye. “Did you just hit me with paint?”

“I sure did.” Cat lifted the corner of her lips into a devious smile. “You called me a hoe on the sly.”

There was a silent stare down between them before Palmer directed the sprayer at Cat and proceeded to press the button, sending paint shooting across the room.

Cat could see what was about to happen before it did but couldn’t get out of the way fast enough. It was as if everything moved in slow motion until the cold, wet liquid splattered all over her body. “Oh shit! No, you didn’t!” Cat was quick to retaliate. She climbed down the ladder, holding her can of paint as Palmer continued to laugh hysterically while targeting her with the sprayer.

The floor was slippery from the plastic covering it and the excess paint. Cat slid, trying to get to Palmer. They were laughing uncontrollably. Still, she got close enough to rear the bucket back and toss most of the contents onto Palmer.

Palmer could barely talk through her laughter. “You get paint in my hair, and you’re going to wash it out! You damn well know they don’t have a good stylist within twenty miles of here.”

Cat wasn’t deterred. “You’re wearing a baseball cap!”

Dillyn walked into the parlor to see her friends making the biggest mess. Their light-heartedness brought a small smile to her face. She placed her hands on her hips like a stern mother. “What in the world is going on?”

They froze. Cat and Palmer were covered from head to toe in paint. Cat was breathless. “Um . . . we’re . . . um . . . working!”

Cat and Palmer exchanged a conspiratorial glance.

Dillyn saw it in their eyes. “Oh, no, you don’t!” Before she got the words out, her friends sprayed and doused Dillyn with what was left of their paint. Screaming, Dillyn joined the fray. “Oh, my gaaaaawd!” She made a mad dash for one of the extra paint cans sitting next to a wall; however, the floor was slippery. Dillyn tripped and slid across the room like a bowling ball rolling down an alley. When she finally stopped moving, Dillyn lay sprawled out on her side. She was wet and completely covered in white.

“Dillyn! Are you alright?” Palmer yelled. The room grew quiet again as Cat and Palmer waited for her to answer. They didn’t think she was hurt but waited for her to give them a sign.

Dillyn flipped over onto her back and started to giggle. Her giggles turned into a hearty laugh until she was hysterical. Palmer and Cat began to laugh, too, as they walked over and joined her on the floor. They dropped down and lay on their backs, staring up at the ceiling as they continued to crack up.

They weren’t sure how long their bout of hysteria lasted, but at some point, Dillyn’s laughter faded out. It turned into something else—more like a guttural wail. Tears streamed down the sides of her face.

Surprise was an understatement, even for Dillyn herself. It was the first time she’d truly cried since finding out about Steven’s affair. Dillyn never allowed people to see this side of her. Her emotions must have become too much to bear. Cat and Palmer remained still and gave Dillyn the space she needed to release her pain.

Slowly, Palmer linked her fingers together with her friends. It was their way of sayingwe’ve got you. After some time, Dillyn’s sobs began to subside. She sniffled and sighed. “I have no idea where that came from.”

Palmer turned her head slightly and smiled at the woman who was like a sister. “I’m no expert, but it’s probably a good thing to finally get it out.”

Cat remained silent, keeping her thoughts to herself.Steven doesn’t deserve your tears.

“You know what pisses me off the most?” Dillyn didn’t wait for an answer. “He just let me go as if I never meant anything. Why do people who claim to love you do that? As if all those years we shared didn’t happen, and I imagined it all. Not a phone call, a text, an email, or even anI’m sorry. I hate Steven and would never want him back, yet I still miss his touch. Even the way he smells. I can’t wait to get his toxic ass out of my system.”

“Fuck him,” Cat said.

Dillyn groaned. “I did for fifteen years!”

Cat frowned. “Girl, fifteen years with Steven? He probably sucked, and you wouldn’t even have known it since he was the only man you’ve ever been with. Boy, do you have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

That wasn’t exactly true, but Dillyn didn’t feel the need to correct her.

Palmer lifted her head above Dillyn’s so only Cat could see her glare and mouthed, “That is not helping!”