The brokenness in her voice made him turn to face her. Her glassy eyes hit him right in the chest. “Selah . . .”
Ben didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence. Selah ran out of the stable. It was probably best. He didn’t know what he’d say anyway. Ben knew that he had to figure something out. He understood more than anyone the damage holding onto someone too tight and too long could do.
Dillyn drove her classic 1967 red convertible mustang down the winding road to the Cash Ranch. Usually, she would’ve taken the Mercedes truck she acquired from Steven in the divorce, but the day was so beautiful. She couldn’t pass up an opportunity to take the mustang out.
The ranch was lush and tucked high up in the mountains hidden by mature trees. Their own ranch wasn’t even a third of its size. Cash Ranch was unlike any place she’d ever seen. Except, maybe Southfork from that old eighties television show Dallas with more mountains and trees.
The warm breeze caressed Dillyn’s skin as the wind blew through her hair. She hadn’t bothered to tie it up. It was days like this that removed any doubt about making the move.
Dillyn could see the house coming into view. It was just as grand as the property.
Lucas stood on the wraparound porch and called out to Ben, who was approaching the house. “Who is that?”
After taking Whisper out for a ride, Ben spent the morning working with their ranch hands and contemplating how to resolve the situation with Selah. She was frustrated, and he was frustrated too. Ben had too much going on inside his head. He had to figure out how to deal with it all without losing his shit.
It was close to lunchtime when he returned to the house, and he was hot as hell, so he had taken off his shirt. He was using it to wipe the sweat from his forehead when he turned to see who Lucas was talking about. Ben hadn’t recognized the red car speeding toward them, leaving a trail of dust behind it.
As Dillyn drove closer, she could see Ben, and she assumed his brother, standing outside. Ben looked like he stepped right off the pages of a cowboy magazine—down to his Wrangler jeans that hung low on his narrow hips and Tecovas boots. Every sweaty muscle on his body was visible and glistened in the sun.Damn.The man was sculpted. Shielded by his Stetson, Dillyn couldn’t see his face. However, she could still make out that magical V. Even though it disappeared in his jeans, he had it. Ben was definitely a ten out of ten. Dillyn was glad she was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. Nobody would know she’d just given him a full inspection.
Dillyn leaned her head out of the car. “Is it okay to park here?”
Lucas flashed his megawatt smile. “Absolutely.”
Dillyn was amazed at how much Lucas and Ben resembled one another. Fully clothed and up close, Lucas seemed equally rugged and handsome, but Ben had something else. Something she couldn’t put her finger on.
I know myhair is all over my head in the most unsexy way. Good.He won’t be interested. Dillyn had made up her mind that she was out of the relationship business. That meant Ben could only be a friend—especially if he were still married.
Dillyn got out of her car. She looked a whole entire mess and hoped it would serve as protection from any possible advances. Still, her stomach did a little flip, and she couldn’t help but offer Ben a smile. “Hey.”
Ben remained stoned-faced. “Hey.”
Dillyn was confused. His demeanor was so different from the night before when he had held her in his arms. “Last night was pretty crazy, huh?”
Not only did Ben still not offer a smile, but his tone was also curt. Dillyn had no idea why. The warmth he’d often shown was absent. Well, if he wasn’t offering a reason, she wasn’t going to dig for an answer. “Okay. Is Selah home?”
He didn’t say it, but Dillyn could hear the “why do you want to know?” lingering in his response. His usual easygoing manner was non-existent.How do I know the easygoing manner was his usual?
Selah was right on the money when describing her brothers last night.Protective much?Dillyn sighed inwardly and made another attempt to be friendly. Whatever reason Ben was surly couldn’t possibly have anything to do with her. “Can I speak with her?”
Selah had been on Ben’s mind all morning. He had been trying to figure out a way to assuage her restlessness and protect her.How can you protect Selah when you couldn’t protect Rylee?The words popped into his brain out of nowhere—not exactly nowhere. Rylee was always on his mind, but this weekend more than usual. With those thoughts stirring in his head, Ben was probably terser with Dillyn than necessary. “What do you want with my sister?”
Why is Ben pulling a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? This was the man who so tenderly carried me to my truck, so I didn’t hurt my feet? Talk about whiplash.So much for southern hospitality.Dillyn was out of her element and trying to be all neighborly, and clearly, Ben was not.Dillyn wasn’t sure what changed, but she wasn’t going to give it any energy. “Selah has my cell. I dropped it on the floor at Frank’s, and she grabbed it as we were running for our lives.”
Ben nodded. “I’ll go ask her. If she has it, I’ll bring it to you.”
Hewasoverbearing. Dillyn didn’t like it. She notched her chin up slightly. “I’d prefer to speak to her myself. Is she here?”
“Dillyn!” She heard her name being called from behind him, and a smiling Selah came bounding down the steps.
Dillyn shifted from Ben to the young girl who had called out to her. “It’s good to see you’re okay."
“You too! Last night was just so crazy. I was going to call, but I didn’t have your number, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to unlock your phone.”