As soon as Lucas was gone, Ben heard an all too familiar sultry voice. “Hey there, cowboy.”

Ben cussed underneath his breath before turning around to find a woman staring at him, flashing a wide smile and wearing bright red lipstick. Bits stuck to her teeth.Dammit. Virginia Reddington.Ben tried to ignore the smeared red on her unnaturally white teeth, but it was impossible. Ben also couldn’t help but notice her big ass silicone tits about to spill out of one of those black bustier things. He did not think it was sexy. Ben preferred a more natural type of woman.

Ben wasn’t sure if he had the patience to deal with Virginia tonight. It had been a long week, and he was exhausted. Despite his misgivings, she sidled up close, thrusting her chest in his face while making sure to place a hand on his forearm. “Third weekend in a row that we’ve bumped into one another. We need to stop meeting like this and go on a real date.”

Ben was used to aggressive women, but Virginia took it to a whole other level. Not only was he not interested, neither was his cock. It was just as flaccid as it had been while talking to Cliven. Still, Ben tried to turn on the Cash charm. He gave her a lopsided grin. “Tempting as your offer might be, I’m going to have to save you from yourself.”

Virginia glanced down at the massive bulge between his thighs, then slowly returned her eyes back to his pale blue ones. “In all honesty, we could skip the date part and just get a room.”

Ben could appreciate a woman who knew what she wanted and went after it, but he just wasn’t into Virginia.

“I wish, but duty calls, and I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”

Virginia pouted. “Well, if you ever get lonely. You’ve got my address and an open invitation.”

Ben couldn’t imagine having sex with Virginia in this life or the next. However, he didn’t reveal his true thoughts when he responded. “I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.” It was time to exit stage left. Ben called out to Cliven. “Thanks again for the drink.” He tipped his Stetson to Virginia and walked off.

Ben wasn’t ready to start dating again. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be, but he wasn’t the one-night stand kind of guy and never had been. In general, people exhausted him, and women like Virginia wanted to make him shoot himself right between the eyes.

This is the shit that keeps me home at night.


The energy at Frank’s was electric.Selah was almost positive that it was due to Dillyn, Palmer, and Cat. She stood at a distance with her arms folded, watching them dance. There were so many guys surrounding them, each vying for their attention. It was crazy. Selah hadn’t ever seen anything like it.

Her shift was just about over, but she wasn’t ready to leave. Selah hadn’t been sure when she would get an opportunity to meet the new owners of Mr. Steele’s old place, but she was glad it was sooner rather than later. The only gossip she’d had been able to get before their arrival was that they were from New York.That was all Selah needed to hear to pique her interest.

She would be forever grateful to whoever suggested they come to Frank’s. Selah laughed a little.Where else were they going to go?It wasn’t like there were very many options.

As she continued to observe, Selah concluded that Cat and Palmer were a little more adventurous than Dillyn. She was much more reserved. However, she did move pretty well on the dance floor. Unlike many women in town, they were way more sophisticated. All three appeared super fun, and she wanted to get to know them better.I’ve got to figure out a way to get them to the barbeque on Sunday.

Selah turned her head slightly. She saw them before they saw her. “Oh. Shit.” Selah said under her breath.What are they doing here?Her brothers were scanning the room. No doubt looking for her.Please, God. Don’t let them embarrass me.She made a beeline for them before they could get to her.

Though Lucas had thought he’d spotted Selah earlier, he’d been wrong. The commotion on the dance floor made it impossible to find anyone. Lucas had tried to get closer to the new owners of Steele’s Orchard but hadn’t been able to penetrate the crowd and returned to his brother. Ben couldn’t see them either since there were too many people obscuring his view. But there was a moment when everyone moved out of the way, and he could see clearly. It was definitely a trio of women who seemed to be the reason for most of the excitement on the dance floor.

Ben squinted. “It couldn’t be her. Could it?”

There was a woman on the dance floor who stood out. She reminded him of the woman he’d met two years ago, a woman who’d he’d thought about often. Her back was to him, so he couldn’t know for sure. Ben’s gaze lingered on her as she seemed to be swaying to her own beat. Her arms were in the air, and she was rolling her hips.It really couldn’t be. This woman was much too carefree to be her. That woman had a shy-like quality to her. Still, Ben’s feet were rooted to the floor, and he was barely breathing, waiting for her to turn around. Even though the music was blaring, Ben didn’t hear a thing. He didn’t even blink, afraid he might miss the big moment. As if in slow motion, she turned. She wasn’t smiling like the other two. Her eyes were closed as she wiggled her little ass. She was in a world all of her own.Well, I’ll be damned.It was Dillyn.Socially awkward, my ass.

Ben was about to step forward when he was blocked by a petite woman, trying to make herself as tall as him. Lucas had caught up with them too. Selah was spittin’ mad. Her baby blue eyes narrowed, and her nostrils flared as she stared up at her brothers. “What are you two doing here?!” For a second, Ben had forgotten about everything and everyone—until the voice of his little sister cut through his thoughts.

“What are you two doing here?!” Selah asked again more forcefully.

Ben and Lucas towered over Selah. Both of them stood over six feet tall and weighed at least two hundred pounds of solid muscle, not the bulky kind, but lean and chiseled. Barring the height, it was uncanny how they all resembled one another.The sun-kissed blond hair, the baby blue eyes, and deep dimples were all trademarks of the Cash family.The only difference between Selah and her brothers was the angular jawline. Selah, being a woman, lacked the sharpness. Her features were softer. Lucas was clean-shaven, but Ben was scruffier. He had that haven’t shaved in a couple of days look. Sexiness oozed off them without even trying.

Lucas smiled mischievously. “Same reason as everybody else. We came for a drink.” Lucas had convinced Ben to come to Frank’s. Ben wasn’t up for it until Lucas suggested it was a good way to keep an eye on their sister.

“Lucas Cash, you’re a liar.” She glanced between her brothers. “You promised you would give me space. I don’t need you two babysitting me.”

Lucas waved off her concern. “Calm down. I told you, we came for a drink. Right, Ben?”

Ben had a hard time keeping his eyes off Dillyn. He continued to glance between the dance floor and his sister. He didn’t answer the question. Ben didn’t like to lie, big or small, especially when they were undoubtedly there to make sure Selah got home safely.

Lucas tipped his chin toward the dance floor as he changed the subject. “Who’s that? Are those the ladies everybody's been talkin’ about?”

All of Selah’s anger drained from her body as she swiveled around. Her attention fully focused on the women she hoped would become her new best friends. Selah couldn’t contain her excitement.“Yep. I met them tonight!”

Ben could see the excitement on her face. Selah was damn near levitating. He didn’t like it. City women were nothing but trouble with a capital T.Why didn’t she understand that?He knew that Selah wanted more than country living. She wanted to be like those women who had had the town’s folks wagging their tongues for weeks.Where had the time gone?It seemed like Selah was learning how to ride a bike just a few years ago. She had grown up right before his eyes, and he wasn’t exactly equipped to handle it.